incision check 3 infected
what am I doing wrong???....I make sure they are dry I cover with a drape when showering, I pat them dry just in case, I called the dr. yesterday to let them know I had an incision that was leaking and I had 2 more that had some discharge so they told me to come back in and they were indeed infected just a touch so she cleaned and squeezed and all that fun stuff made me hurt again, the pain finally went away...and let me tell you it hurt like HELL !!. but anyways im over it now but they weighed me and I was so excited 9 days out and I lost 19.8 lbs. WOOHOO for me I couldnt believe it !! well any suggestions on the incisions feel free.....
Well, they seem to be better except one and I am afraid when I go on Wednesday they are going to have to open it up and I definately dont want to go through that but if it was meant to be than so be it !! but other than that I am good...and are you getting nervous yet??? I will be thinking about you