How's everybody holding up?

Rob B.
on 12/4/08 12:17 pm - Jefferson City, TN
Hey my fellow December losers,

How's everybody holding up?  I am excited and tired at the same time....excited for the surgery one week from today and tired of Optifast.  I know its getting close now but I've been on Optifast for two weeks already and its still hard.  I know I just need to keep my eye on the ball but thought that writing about it might help too....Anybody else having these sort of "mixed emotions"?  I am so looking forward to talking to you guys in January after we've been through the surgery and have started the recovery process...I think that will be the really exciting part of this whole journey (when we can discuss how well we're doing and how much weight we've lost and how many clothes need to be tossed (because they're too big).  Well, I talked myself up now...better close for tonight....take care guys...

Molly S.
on 12/4/08 3:00 pm - Richmond, VA
Hi Rob....I'm one week away from surgery on the 12th and one week down on the liver shrinking diet.  Wow it's been hard, but I finally feel like I'm going to make it today.  Actually ate out tonight and enjoyed being with people again.  I couldn't do that last weekend with tears.  I've lost about 7 lbs.  And even that feels great.  So, let's keep on truckin together.  There is an end to this, and what is on the other side is a new life free of fat and misery.  Good Luck to ya. 

B. Cessna
on 12/4/08 8:12 pm - Gettysburg, PA

 I like that, fellow losers! I have been getting ready but have not had to start my pre-op yet. I had h-pylori and had to do a course of antibiotics, I have a penicillin allergy so I had to do Keflex and Cipro, that was fun. Anyway I cannot wait til January either or  for the surgery. Someone told me yesterday that I wasn't big enough for this surgery,(been hearing this for a few months now) and I said well let's just say your lucky that you don't have to see me naked, I would hate to blind you . I guess I must carry my weight welI. I have already started cleaning my closet and drawers. I got rid of 5 garbage bags of clothes, mostly summer clothes, won't need them next summer!!!!

Keep in touch, I look forward to your posts!


*Confidence is feeling satisfied with who and what we are*


on 12/4/08 8:52 pm - Angier, NC
Hey Rob,
 I am with you. I am just ready to be on the other side before I loose my nerve. One day I do great and I am so ready for this. The next on the verge of tears all day fretting. Yesterday was not a good day at all for me, I all but called the Dr and said forget it. Today seems like it will be a better day. I know that I want change and I am tired of living life this way. I keep reminding myself of this.
So how much weight have you lost or do you know. I think it would be interesting to see. January is just around the corner and just think you could be down another 20 by then hehehehe eye on the prize. You, a healthier you on the other side of all this. If we think about it, what is 2 weeks compared to our whole lives?? I keep reminding myself of this.
I look forward to your post
Take care
Kathy G.
on 12/4/08 11:10 pm - Perrysburg, OH

Fellow loser indeed. I'm up the 8th having VSG.  So ready for this.  Haven't minded the liquid diet, if that's the worse thing then I'm all for everything else.  I believe half the battle is the mindset.  Thanks for everyone's support here. 

on 12/5/08 12:46 am - Topeka , KS
Hello Rob.....I am one week today and cant wait, I have been on my liquid diet this week and it was hard at first but I am doing good now.....cant wait til friday it is flying by for me.  I cant wait to talk to everyone next month either....well have a good day.
on 12/5/08 2:51 am - DE

Hey Rob,

Im excited and emotions just all over the place too. I too tested pos for H pylori no ulcers thank goodness. I have stomach inflamation so have to take prevacid. I can't wait  either to have this done. I have been doing alot of reflecting and just getting ready for this exciting journey. So how much wait have you lost so far?

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on 12/5/08 6:38 am - SoCal, CA
Hello Rob, and all you "December losers to be". I'll be up on the 9th and my emotions/nerves all all over the place. Thank God for work or I'd probably be going crazy. Today, all I can say is "let's get it on"!  I'm more fortunate in that my surgeon didn't require a two week pre-op diet , just 24 hours clear liquids and then nothing the day of surgery. Anyway lets get this show on the road and it's about time!
on 12/5/08 6:49 am - MA

 My date got changed today....

I am going in a day EARLIER!!

woo hooo!

I am excited... really... A week from today I will be home!

Denise G.
on 12/5/08 11:25 am - Corpus Christi, TX
I am scheduled for surgery on the 15th.  I started my 2 wk pre op this week.  I am doing much better now then I was Monday and Tuesday.  But I have to say, I am nervous about how I will do this weekend.  At work, it is much easier to stick to the diet cuz I am distracted by work and very busy.  But the weekends seem so hard.  We are used to going out to breakfast and dinner on the weekends. 

I am like everyone else.  I want it to be January already.  I want to be over with the surgery already.  The anticipating is literally killing me.
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