Pre Op Diet

Denise G.
on 12/2/08 3:49 am - Corpus Christi, TX
I started my preop diet yesterday.  I just dont think I can do this for 2 weeks.  The protein shakes I have to drink literally make me gag.  I am so weak and it is only the 2nd day.  Does anyone have any recommendations or advice for me.  Is there anything else I can drink besides these protein shakes?  Maybe chicken broth or sugar free popsicles.  I mean I can probably get down 1 shake but I just dont know if I can do 3 a day.
on 12/2/08 7:31 am - Riley Twp, MI
Well I started today and agree, THE SHAKES SUCK!  Here is what I did to just make it a bit better.  I poured the BOOST( the shake I have to drink) into a blender with some ice and a few splenda packets.  It made it 100 times better.  A nice thick shake.  I am allowed to have 2 cups of low sodium chicken or beef broth a day also, as well as 2 1/2 cup sugar free jello's.

Best of luck with the diet!   I have my sleeve on the sixteenth.

Rob B.
on 12/2/08 8:09 am - Jefferson City, TN
Hi Denise,

Yes you are absolutely correct.....the Optifast diet is tough and rough.  My doctor requires 3 weeks (21 days count them 21 DAYS - LOL) of of the diet and I have to tell you ,  after for first 2 -3 days you begin to wonder if you will be able to make it for 2 or 3 weeks.....I know I did. 

I guess the best piece of advice that I can give you (as it stands at day 11 for me) is to concentrate on one day at a time (to think of the whole time period is too taxing mentally when you're hungry).   Also, I have supplemented my routine with sugar free Jello as well as sugarfree Popsicles and 1 South Beach Breakfast bar (my dietician said it would be ok). 
Just hang in there and know that in a very short time you will get your WLS and be on the road to recovery quicker than you know. 

take care,
Denise G.
on 12/2/08 8:38 am - Corpus Christi, TX
Thank you all for your advice.  I am definitely going to try adding the ice and blending it.  I think that will surely help.  Also, Rob I think I will definitely start taking this one day at a time.  I keep looking at the big picture of having to do this for two whole weeks.  I need to take it one day at a time and push through this.  I have heard if you can get through the pre op, you can get through the rest.  So I am going to stop thinking about two weeks from now and start going one day at a time. 

By the way, does anyone know what the difference between a regular protein shake and a meal replacement shake is?  Or is there a difference???
on 12/3/08 6:36 am - Montgomery, IL
 Not all protein shakes  have vitamins and minerals.  A meal replacement powder or RTD, like Muscle Milk Light has some nutrition other than protein.  Many protein powders do not. They are just protein and some amino acids (like the EAS protein Costco sells).  I was told to do meal replacements for my upcoming pre-surgery diet.

You need  to look at the labels.
5'6"  380(HW)/316(First visit)230.2(Current)/154(goal)

on 12/2/08 8:59 am - Grand Rapids, MI
Hello I dont know if all doctors allow it or not but mine let us add sugar free fat free pudding to our shakes which made it more like pudding ,and less gross But check with your doctors frist, our diet did allow us to have their chicken broth along with tomato soup etc, but it was all their foods. You can do this I lost 12 pounds the frist 6 days and when I got weighed in for surgery I had lost a total of 20 pounds, so if I can do you all can do it Good Luck. I had the sleve done on Nov.28
on 12/2/08 9:23 am - Sanford, FL
I also started my per op diet yesterday (12/1) I think my worrying about it was worse that the diet itself... I am to drink 5 protein shakes per day. They are actually not too bad and I am mixing them with water so I can have my milk or yogurt later. I did find chicken and beef broth to be very helpful as it gives me the salty taste I so crave. I am also allowed to eat 1 cup of raw veggies in the afternoon. Hang in there. I know we can do it, look at all the people who had to do this before us and they survived it. I know this will pay off when it is all done! Best wishes to you with your surgery. Sky
Kim J.
on 12/2/08 12:54 pm - Claremore, OK

My surgeon requires 10 day liquid diet.  I'm not looking forward to it. I start it this Saturday the 6th. However I looked at his diet online and if thats the one I have to follow I won't have as hard of a time as I originally thought.  I am fortunate to like the protien shakes.  (I have heard that after surgery your taste can change and I may not like the things I used to like)  I hope I still like the protien shakes though.  I originally thought it was a 10 day clear liquid diet.  I hope thats not what I have to do.  But if thats what they say, thats what I'll do!  I might not like it too much!  LOL!
I wanted to wish you the best!  Good luck with your journey!

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." Erma Bombeck
19 lbs lost before surgery
9/3/09  Full TT, MR, BL, BA, Arm Reduction and Lipo 10-12 lbs skin/fat removed

Molly S.
on 12/2/08 1:25 pm - Richmond, VA
I KNOW exactly how you feel.  I've been in tears every day since last Friday missing all the fun I had eating out with my boyfriend.  I am using SlimFast 2x  a day, and then a 4oz lean meat sandwich for dinner.  UGH.  I had only lost 5 lbs since last Friday and put on a pound this morning.  Talk about depression.  I really don't have any good suggestions for you, just take it one meal at a time.  I'm trying to convince myself that every growling sound I have is another pound off.  Wi**** were true, but i have to think positive or I will quit.  I jsut wonder why some people breeze through it and others have a hard time.  We all love food and we all want to be thinner. 
Best of Luck to you.  You'll be in my thoughts and prayers too.
Jackie A.
on 12/3/08 4:23 am - Duluth, MN
I also started the 2wk Liquid diet today.....not fun. What to do...what to do.LOL just think in two weeks I won't feel hungry!  My sister had the RNY 7/17/07 and she says she still doesn't feel hungry.  I can't wait for this 2 wks to be over, but lets remember to take it "One Day at a Time" and remember we'll get thru it. LOL
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