LMAO !!! Well everything went as smooth as possible the day of surgery....except I had to start my period first thing in the morning

!!! sorry guys if tmi! so the nursee told me it was pretty much normal for them she said it happens 8 out of 10 times stress related. I got my blood work done and they took my vitals, changed into my johnnie and we sat for a few..they gave me a drink of something started an iv and they gave me a shot and off to la la land

I went, it was very fast going and I woke up and I dont remember a damn thing, lol

I was in surgery for about 2 hours tops I think....I dont know lol I will have to ask my other half. the first day wasnt bad like i said i dont rember to much. I was on a morphine pump which was great every 6 seconds when I was awake i used it. I guess I talked to people and called some people lol and I dont rember ever talking to them

so make sure you dont have phone numbers of people you hate because you will never rember what you said to them if they leave a phone near ya !!! the second day was ok also, I was sore I only hit a 10 on the pain level once and that was because I didnt hit the pump for hours when I was sleeping so a simle shot did the trick. All in all it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be but let me tell you...I cried and cried

wondering if I had made a big mistake and those feelings come and go but I know in the long run it will never be a mistake..I am up walking around it is hard to stoop down or hold my babies but I know it is only temporary and the pain is not a pain that you cant live with it is bothersome sometimes but just think...You will be on the losers side in a week. also it is hard to get your fluids in more so when you are home then at the hospital and your protein too. BUt all you can do is try your hardest and do your best and you will be fine. write back soon !!!!