My date is 12/3
Hi Linda,
My date is Dec 3rd also... I am excited and also frightened but I am sure that is normal. I start a complete liquid diet on the 19th, to get ready for the surgery, I have having revision done from a bypass that I had 19 years ago, due to some problems with the stitches from that long ago... can't wait and counting the days... Ginger
My date is Dec 3rd also... I am excited and also frightened but I am sure that is normal. I start a complete liquid diet on the 19th, to get ready for the surgery, I have having revision done from a bypass that I had 19 years ago, due to some problems with the stitches from that long ago... can't wait and counting the days... Ginger
Good morning Kay:
Today is the day, liquids for the next 14 days, I am sipping on a protein drink right now, I really don't mind the ones that you mix from GNC, I mix it with water and it only has like 100 calories per scoop. I am thinking that I will be drinking lots of these 100 calories in the next few weeks, we can have soup also so I was thinking that possibly once or twice a day some warm soup broth to... How are things for you??? Ginger
Today is the day, liquids for the next 14 days, I am sipping on a protein drink right now, I really don't mind the ones that you mix from GNC, I mix it with water and it only has like 100 calories per scoop. I am thinking that I will be drinking lots of these 100 calories in the next few weeks, we can have soup also so I was thinking that possibly once or twice a day some warm soup broth to... How are things for you??? Ginger

Hi Kay:
I am not sure what the one is that I am using from GNC, it is chocolate and great, no sugars and only 100 calories with all the goodies in it also like amino, vits.
I didn't get hungry untill last night, and this am I have a headace, but hey I made it through the whole day will just liquids- I can also have yogurt, so I had that last night, today I think that I might have some soup broth to heat up the body, I am freezing cold and can't get warm... I lost 1 pound yesterday so that is good. Ginger
I am not sure what the one is that I am using from GNC, it is chocolate and great, no sugars and only 100 calories with all the goodies in it also like amino, vits.
I didn't get hungry untill last night, and this am I have a headace, but hey I made it through the whole day will just liquids- I can also have yogurt, so I had that last night, today I think that I might have some soup broth to heat up the body, I am freezing cold and can't get warm... I lost 1 pound yesterday so that is good. Ginger