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(deactivated member)
on 8/16/08 5:56 am
on 8/16/08 5:56 am
Topic: RE: Wednesday Weigh In on Thursday
"Teddy Bear"... 2 Lbs... Take pics!!!!!!!
for meeeeeeeee....
You're doing Great... Keep up the Good Work!!!! Skinny... HeHeHe

(deactivated member)
on 8/16/08 5:50 am
on 8/16/08 5:50 am
Topic: RE: What's for Supper?
Thanks for the sesame oil reminder... too much... I've been there before with it. Uck!
I'm much more into garlic than green onions also. Tofu really picks up the flavor of whatever it's in... the texture is fine to me too.
Pack your own emergency food. I've gotten stuck that way, when we went out. Now I bring a snack at the very least. Good luck at the In-Laws with the Heat! Pack a spray water bottle and a mini fan!
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/08 5:40 am
on 8/16/08 5:40 am
Topic: RE: The Wagon Plan
I was thinking that this might help you too, Mel. If you could get past the initial 72+ hours that James talks about on the videos, maybe you'd get some "balance" with the sugars... Where does he usually post?
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/08 5:36 am
on 8/16/08 5:36 am
Topic: RE: The Wagon Plan
Wow, Diana... Your "Moms Night Out" sounds Great... good food & friends! I'd love the recipes too!
What happened with the Margaritas... was it too much sugar? too much in general?
I've only had "some" wine and sangria only since WLS.
There seems to be too much member bashing on OH... too bad... very sad... That's why I love it HERE!
You'll really like the videos!

Topic: RE: Wednesday Weigh In on Thursday
You have a great weekend too...hope work goes well. I put my 4's away (the Levi's, that is) since they were just making me sad and feel guiltier. The goal now is to make my 6's looser and looser and then I'll be brave and get the 4's back.
Haven't checked my BMI in awhile, no clue what it is! My daughter, Elizabeth, just went to the gym on base last week and got her bodyfat tested and little thing that she is she was STILL 1% over her max. Freaked her out so she is working on her dieting and exercising now so that helps me too. We are trying to be diet buds and support each other, that is nice. If only I could get her to read the Beck book, but she is too busy.
One of these days soon I'll go to the gym and get my bodyfat tested is something I should know really.
Topic: RE: What's for Supper?
Hi Diana,
Here is a link for the noodles: I get mine in the coolercase section of the grocery store where the tofu is but not all grocery stores carry it. The local health-foods-type store here, Huckelberries, has it in spaghetti shape and egg noodle shape. It is a bit rubbery and is made in really long strands so you have to cut it before you eat it or you'd be slurpring forever. The rubberyness doesn't put me off at all...I always cook our pasta really al dente anyway. To my tastebuds it has no taste at all after you rinse it well and only takes on the taste of whatever you put on it.
Here is a link for the PB2:
The PB2 is powdered peanut butter that has 75% less fat and calories than regular peanut butter. People on the WA state mb love it so much that they go in together and buy a case of it at a time to save money.
Hope you get a chance to try these!
Topic: RE: What's for Supper?
Mmmm...your jazzed up Putanesca sauce sounds yummy! I could put that on some Shirataki noodles. I think the sesame oil would be ok in the recipe just not too much, it'd be too strong. Personally, I thought it needed more garlic and less green onions but I'm not much of a fan of green onions.
Yup. 100 today and 101 tomorrow. Ick! We have to go to the in-laws for dinner tomorrow and if I know them it will be out on their rooftop deck. H O T ! After the last meal there I am going to bring my own food this time. It was waaay too many carbs last time and I left there with my belly actually aching from being so hungry. When I got home I ate too much so I will have to pre-plan to avoid that.
My plan is to switch to a really big purse and put in a small lunchbag-type cooler with my own stuff. If the meal provided isn't 'safe' I'll sneak mine out with some kind of good story. heehee
Topic: RE: The Wagon Plan
Hi Mel,
I figured he must be pretty active on the internet with a wls site somewhere as much as he has educated himself on nut. I don't know if I will all-out try his plan but am going to try to rethink my meals to make them more balanced as he said. At the very least, that is a good way to keep conscious of what I'm putting in my body and that's a good thing!
When he talks about maintaining blood sugar levels I really thought about you and wondering if watching the combination of proteins and complex carbs would help you. He probably gets a lot of flack from the 5DPT people because in the video he alludes to concerns about that plan just backfiring when you go off of it.
The stuff about the body feeding the fat cells was so fascinating and the way he put the info about exercising being the way to get the body to open up and rid the fat cells made so much sense. I mean, it is the same stuff I've heard for years but the way he put it just came out better.
When do you get your new computer? Hope it will be soon! Sounds fun. I am trying to wrap my non-techno brain around finding a way to download his videos and put them on my Zune. Bet it can be done!

Topic: RE: The Wagon Plan
Ro, you are always bringing us such interesting nut. info and I was excited to share this with you for a change.
A lot of what he suggests is what most of our surgeons have said all along anyway...eating six times a day, not being faddish with our diets, etc.