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Topic: RE: The Wagon Plan
Hi Molls --
I do think its *ALL* about maintaining blood sugar levels.. doesn't matter if we are or once were diabetic or not. We all have fluctuating blood sugars when we eat in response to the various foods we consume. How do I know it had to be about blood sugars? I have been doing an Atkins approach for a week now.. I have had ZERO hunger. This never happens for me. So obviously my blood sugars are stable. I have even been testing them in the AM's to see where they are.. always high 70's, low 80's. I even test at night.. same thing.. there is no bouncing.
Now with his plan he has a rule of double the carbs or something for the protein value but always putting them together and he doesn't always follow whole grains approach. He himself will eat white carbs and he can handle it that way. He also works out a decent about. I do agree that once you eat.. you shouldn't eat again for at least a couple hours but I think 4 is best. Anything u eat above and beyond what the body needs at that point in time will turn it into fat, it just doesn't need the energy if you have already fed the body (again I have not viewed the youtube videos but have researched and talked to james via email a few times and just going off what he has said and what his website says).
I should be getting a new computer here in a few days to a week I think. I am excited but never used an apple.. I have an Ipod nano that i use to workout with and got a free ipod Touch.. it is awesome! You can sink your email, other's calendars to your own device, get on the internet.. its nice! Many perks.. very nice to have life organized in a small compact thing.. even grocery lists, address book etc. No sylus.. just touch method.
Ok, what is Zune, you have me interested! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.. I really need to do a Beck review.. gosh where did we leave off? I will have to go back and look.. sad to say.
Talk to you soon.. be well.

Topic: RE: Guacamole and Salsa Recipe
Thank you for the recipes, Diana! I have been looking for a good guac. recipe for a long time and this one sounds like the best and with a nice balance of flavours. The salsa will be fun to make for dh's family...they are crazy for Tex-Mex and that must make a huge amount. And I will look for those good chips, too...glad Ro asked about that. It would be such a waste to make great dips and have 'just-adequate' chips.
Thank you!
Topic: RE: Wednesday Weigh In on Thursday
Glad to hear the 2# was jus****er! Sodium can be so evil, yet it makes foods sooo tasty.
Definitely not throwing out my scale, it really does keep *me* as focused as possible some days. I lie to myself waaay too much to do without that daily check. And then I end up with that extra 5 or more pouds myself too.
Keep hangin' in there, lady...we're all in this together!

Topic: RE: Wednesday Weigh In on Thursday
Bichons are ADORABLE!! And I ADORE doxies!! Melissa...thank you for all your support and encouragement. You're doing AWESOME and a true inspiration!! I wanna be like you when I grow up!!

Topic: RE: Wednesday Weigh In on Thursday
Thanks Ro. I'm ok as I can be, I suppose. Of course it's DH, it always is. I'll be ok eventually. Just going to be a real struggle this next year. Thank you for asking.
Topic: RE: Wednesday Weigh In on Thursday
Thanks Molly! The scale dropped those 2 lbs thankfully. I'm thinking water retention. Going back over my menu, I realized I had higher sodium content than usual. I really need to throw the scale out for a month or two...but really sometimes I think its what's keeping me focused. I can easily pack on 5 or more pounds if I'm not careful.
Topic: RE: For those that are interested...Sydnie update
Thanks Molly!! I will most definitely give her extra snuggles for you. How are the kitties doing?? Speaking of growing quickly!
Topic: RE: For those that are interested...Sydnie update
I know...isn't it amazing??? I so can't believe how quickly it all passed.
Thanks Ro!
Topic: RE: For those that are interested...Sydnie update
Thanks Diana...I stare in awe of her everyday! LOL!!
Topic: RE: For those that are interested...Sydnie update
Thanks Melissa!! I can't WAIT to see your little one sometime in the near future...again congrats on trying to conceive!!