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Yeah, Diana!!! That's me toasting your protein shake with my protein ice cream cone, as it were.
HW: 268
SW: 230
LW: 139
CW: 143 UGH!!!! +4
Was a complete idiot today...wanting some 'comfort' food and chose to cook a small pot of quinoa and then proceeded to eat about 2 (unmeasured!) cups of it throughout the afternoon. Just logged it on my sparkpeople account and about fell out of the chair to learn one cooked cup has 222 calories.
Do you think the uncooked quinoa would be safe to feed the birds?
Have a great week and don't cook yourself any quinoa, ok? Hugs!!!
on 9/4/08 10:44 am

BUT then the plot thickened... A printed note was left on #3 son's car... yada.. yada... move your car by another neighbor, who keeps to herself. Later a different neighbor made an out-of-character comment to our guys. DH thinks that it was the "beer" talking. Well that was Labor Day!
I still need to get reconnected with same age neighbors here. Don't get me wrong... I love my friendships with the 30-year-old couple with 2 children (and others who are young and old), but I am more honorary aunt than friend. My Guys mean so much to me, but the girlfriend time is what I long for to round-out my life.
Health Self Image... Hmmmm.... I am still working on that one!
Sorry to hear about the hives. I get all rashy from stress too. I don't know if MO tends to show itself in "people pleasing" behavior, but doesn't everyone just want to fit-in? I do! I mean not to the point where I'd hate myself later, but just that cozy "yeah... I belong" feeling would do it for me.
Always Eat Well! Even when you feel crappy!

Thanks for the hugs... love you 2!
on 9/4/08 9:29 am
When I get stressed out and go back to old habits, it sounds a loud alarm. If I don't listen, I hear Jenny screaming, "Run, Forrest, Run!!!"
Here I'll help you with this...
Please Laugh.... You've been through so much already! I am shaking my head that your guy is upsetting you. It really doesn't seem fair. What was his reaction to just moving on?
on 9/4/08 9:20 am

You must be so happy with the results... and wearing smaller sizes again!
For a while I was worried that the regains might stick like Gorilla Glue, but you're living proof that they can disappear again. One more reason to not get depressed over a gain, but to get motivated to lose it. 8 Lbs is nothing to sneeze at... go dance in the streets now!!!
Proud of U!
on 9/4/08 9:11 am

Have you picked out your outfit yet. I know... it's childish... but I like to go on the "light" side. No sense wearing JEANS when you can wear SHORTS that weigh a lot less!
"Everyone" uses TOM as an excuse at some time. You probably got the drift that I am "power eating" to keep weight on NOW. I've been told that at some point the Lbs will stick... and Yes, I am afraid of getting my big butt back. So for me the gain might disappear, which will hold me back from getting PS!!
Don't the PS prices stink???? I need some boobage!!!! Lord, where did they go???
The rest of my body, which looks pretty good WITH clothing, has a melted candle effect. Hope that you have fared better than I have, but the reality is that most WLS patients get a nasty wake-up call in the form of Excess-Skin-a...Hangin' everywhere. Have you checked out the PS board? They know so much more than I can take-in right now. All the things that you find-out later that the PS mentioned, but it didn't seem that bad to hear at the consult. "Cut" alone has me shaking in my pants. Yet I did not really worry about the RnY. No Jitters to speak of on the days prior to surgery.
Grocery shopping actually has gotten BETTER for me! When I was SMO, I'd feel like all eyes where watching me as I bought DH's chip supply. Now some people actually look to see what snacks I'm choosing... WoooHooo's Lookin' Now moment!
Have a Great Dr's Visit tomorrow!!!
Thanks for your words of encouragement. I have a lot going on and at this point I am so tired. I tried talking to my b-friend last night and he just doesn't understand. I am tired and I told him that he should move on. I am tired of having to defend myself and I know that I am being faithful, but I just don't have any control over what my body is going through. Yes my life has really changed. It is so amazing to me how I have changed. I notice with all the stress that I am under I am going back to some of my old habits. I think taking him to the doctor would be a great idea. Again thanks for caring and showing concern for what I am going through.
Hugs back to you!
on 9/3/08 11:24 pm, edited 9/3/08 11:25 pm
Here's what I'm doing... not exercising "lately" (have to get that out of the way, but I WILL) My stomach is burning because I forgot to take my Rx... DUH! My hair needs a re-dye and my legs need a shave. I still haven't gotten the house under control or the re-do done. I'm waiting on TOM and then I am getting that darn CT Scan taken! I heard "eat something" a few times this week (Oh, Joy!!!) and I'm Jonesin' for Famous Daves OR ANY good BBQ ribs right NOW!
Make my day and show up... and blab that you too are HUMAN!!!
on 9/3/08 11:12 pm