
Heather M.
on 5/23/09 9:25 am - Modesto, CA
Will post pics and her story once I've napped and can think. 

She was born yesterday, 5/22/09, at 9:22 AM, weighed 7 lbs even, and was 20 3/4 inches long.

She was COMPLETELY natural childbirth (funny story.. sort of.. unless you were me.. lol) and we're both home now and doing wonderful.  We checked in to Labor & Delivery at 7 AM and she made her appearance at 9:22 AM, after 12 pushes.

Okay, I've fed her and taken my Tylenol, so headed to bed.  Everyone have a great Memorial weekend.
on 5/23/09 11:21 am
Heather M.
on 5/23/09 10:40 pm - Modesto, CA
Caitlin's First Day in pictures is posted under my profile.  Posting same thing I posted over on the Pregnancy After WLS forum.  And I think she looks just like her dad.  She's got deep greenish blue eyes, so I'm thinking they will go green like Ray's.  Mine were light blue as a baby, and stayed blue.  And thank GOD, she has hair!  Ray and I both were cueballs.  LOL

Okay, bedtime for me.  Just finished feeding her and now she's out cold.  Next turn is dad's, while mom does her impression of a coma victim.  We have to go to Target/Walmart today, and buy some NEWBORN outfits, because everyone said she'd grow through them so fast, I didn't buy but like 3 things in NB, and she's so darned small 0-3 months looks like it's swallowed her alive.

Our Birth Story: 

Woke up on the 22nd at 4 AM, from a sound sleep, feeling like someone had cracked my pelvic bones.  Slowly got out of bed, and stood up.. realized that Cait had dropped like a bomb.  Hobbled into the bathroom and climbed in the shower to see if the contractions eased up with a different activity.  Ho****er felt wonderful!  Shaved my legs and took my time, still keeping a mental timer going on the contractions.  Noticed they weren't changing, in fact, they were getting more severe.

Climbed out, started to blow dry my hair and had to stop frequently to lean against the counter and wait for a contraction to pass.  Started to move a tad faster when they wrapped around and grabbed my back!  OW OW OW!

At about 6 AM, made it back into the bedroom, and flopped in the rocker.  After about 15 more minutes of hopping up and walking, then leaning over the edge of the bed, breathing.. nothing really helping, woke up my spouse.  "Honey, you might want to shower, take your diabetic meds and eat.. we're going to L&D, even if this is our 2nd false alarm and they send us back home."

40 minutes later, we were on the road to Memorial.. less than 1 mile from the house.  I waddled in to L&D, and nurse took one look at me, and put me straight in the Birthing Room.  We were admitted at 6:54 AM.  Was already dilated to a 6.5, 100 % effaced. 

Our nurse, Heidi, was wonderful.  She asked what we wanted to do about pain control.. said we'd like to do an epidural (at this point thinking we had time).  The anesthesiologist was in a C-Section though, and it turned out, on the next cervix check 20 minutes later that an epidural was a moot point.  I was already dilated to an 8, and baby was on her way.

Hubby held my hand, I did my breathing.. made some noises not normally heard in nature, DID not cuss him or the nurse out, though both told me I could.. repeatedly.    Heidi even laughed at me because I said "Thank you" and "Please" when asking him for sips of water, between contractions.  I don't even remember that.. but they both said I did.

Caitlin had a bowel movement while in womb, so the respiratory therapist was called in for her delivery, and she no sooner walked in the room, and Heidi did another cervix check and Cait was there crowned and ready to go.  I was blowing like crazy to keep her from coming, as Heidi darted out to find out where the doctor was.

Dr. Clare showed up just like a minute or two later, got scrubbed and gowned, and 7 pushes later Caitlin was born at 9:22 AM, weighing 7 lbs, and 20 3/4 inches long.

Happy Birthday, Caitlin Marie!
Heather + Caitlin Marie
Caitlin's Vitals: Born 5/22/09, at 9:22 AM, 7 lbs, 20 3/4 inches long.  Looks like her daddy!
on 5/24/09 3:44 am
on 5/24/09 4:01 am - Spokane, WA

Welcome to the world, Caitlin!!!!!!

Congratulations 'Mom and Dad'...get plenty of rest while you can, you are in for the time of your lives now!  I'm so happy for you!!!


Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
on 5/25/09 4:52 am - Columbus, IN
Heather..she is truly a BEAUTIFUL baby. Her coloring is so good and I love her little pouty face in the one pic. Congratulations to both of you!!!


on 5/26/09 2:37 pm - Northwood, IA

So Happy for you and DH!!!!!!!!!


She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

Happy Birthday Caitlin!

Hugs, Melissa

RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock

LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

Beatriz A.
on 5/27/09 12:01 am - Sunny Miami, FL
a little bit late but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! enjoy every minute with her b/c they grow too fast...I am amazed at the way you handled childbirth....are you sure this is your first baby? ;o)

on 5/27/09 2:33 am - KY





Heather M.
on 5/27/09 3:27 am - Modesto, CA
I think it was the shock, Beatrice.  The "plan" didn't go anything by what me and the hubby even remotely had discussed, so we just went with the flow.  The only part that we had planned and went according to discussion was our bags were in the Durango, and her car seat.  LOL

Ray even had to run out to the truck once she was born, to get the camera to take pictures.  We didn't even get to notify his parents we were headed to L&D or that I was in labor.  Mom got the call at 9:23 to tell her that they were grandparents.
Heather + Caitlin Marie
Caitlin's Vitals: Born 5/22/09, at 9:22 AM, 7 lbs, 20 3/4 inches long.  Looks like her daddy!
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