Lurker's Lounge
on 10/9/08 2:08 pm, edited 10/9/08 2:28 pm
Any Takers!!!!
Well... Chatters... Hope that you will stop by the Lounge again! Here's a few News worthy updates from last week to follow:
Major News: Heather is Pregnant!!!! (and in denial about her baby girl... HeHeHe). Boy names are an issue, but she and DH will have to fight it out so that they don't have to settle on Junior! Perhaps Shawn can give you a few ideas... 3 sons... and our Post-WLS Girlie... Sydnie! Love the pics of your kids, Lovey!
Grand babies were discussed... with Betty, Lynnell, and yours truly letting the gang know that we get cuddles from our cuties.
Melissa had a major decision to make... Keep her LIFE or Work to DEATH... No seriously, Mel had to make a really hard choice and decided to remain at her original job, which allows for her to have it ALL... and I'm certain that she'll still be a major asset to the WL community... that's just the way she IS... Thank Goodness!
Nat is back from Israel and looking fine! Kelly has been at Disney for Fall Vacation!!
Bea is making the move to a new townhouse! We wish her luck and wait for updates!
Molly is ushering in the Holidays early! Just Love It! Time to get the baking ideas going gang... Molly, Heather, and Diana (love your Doo)... we're going to need some Yummy Foodies to get through Fall.
Hint... Hint... New Food listing are always welcome here!
Jefin came to visit and mentioned PS! BTW, She's my and Amy's Surgery Sister! Amy... Are you MIA, Girlfriend? (Hope that DH is working on his Lbs... cause My DH is falling "behind" on his goal... with only 1 month left before Son #2's WEDDING! You can't make someone "diet"...

Well, back to PS... Wow do we need to start getting info together on this subject... At nearly 2 years out, most of us are getting pretty sick of living with the hanging skin. Elaine made an accurate point about the double life our bodies "live"; dressed OK... Commando not so much so... Bummer! She's getting ready for PS!!! Stephanie might be able to give us some pointers!!!
My PS Queen is still missing... AQ has not been heard from since the Hurricane hit! Anyone with contact, please call out to her. Dawn, YOU know that we're waiting for you to reappear... Busy 1! Steve???? What'ssss Upppp?
Maghan, we're hoping that you get some relief from you disc pain and that your surgery issues will be clarified soon. I'm there with Maghan waiting for answers... I decided to WAIT for yet another vaginal ultrasound, as I have cysts, but no masses. I feel fine... and will update in 2 months... after I have some results! Thanks for all of the well wishes... Hangin' in There!
Liz (great pics of the Twins), Gigi, Misty, Nancy, Paula, Stephanie, Alarenwa, Marsha (hope the Dehydration problems are getting better), Patti, and Kathi (who should post more... HeHeHe... hope that all is well with your daughter... smooch!)... all "made it" to the Dec. MB!

Terisa, Mini Me, and Rachel popped-in... three very busy ladies, who I miss "bunches"
So there's a mini wrap-up for the LURKERS.... If I missed anyone... COME ON DOWN...!!!
There's always enough room here.... so let's PARTY!!!!

PS.... Like you Didn't Know... December '06 is closing in on 2 YEARS!!!!

You've come a long way, Baby!
Thanks for the run down RO. I have been a little MIA, but not posting to much. My 2 year old has had a nasty sinus infection this week and since hubby is on mids I have not slept more than 2 hours n the last 5 days. But she is finally feeling better and back to her princess self.
We did take the kids to Disney on Ice last Saturday which was wonderful. Both kids were dancing in the aisle the whole time, except for when the sea witch came out
Not much else to report. DH just finished seminar and orientation for the lap band and seems to be excited about it. I am to as it will definitely get my eating back in check, which has been off the charts the last couple weeks with stress and such. I am also due to start some fertility drugs on Sunday to work on baby number 3. Wish us luck with the baby dancing.
Talk to ya’ll soon!
on 10/10/08 9:18 am
It's great that DH has finished with the Band preliminaries and is going for it! It will help you if the two of you are eating healthier.
Happy Baby Making!

Personally I was a little worried she would not have the time for us
I am STRUGGLING with my eating more then I have in the almost 2 years since surgery. I make 1 bad choice after another and go to bed and think tomorrow will be a better day and it is not. I just went to the grocery and bought things I am hoping will help. WHY I ever bought candy corn and peanuts is beyond me. They look so nice in a halloween bowl but really bad on my A$$!!!!
Well off to put my grocerys away and let the DOG in as she is whining at the door..
Hugs to everyone..
on 10/10/08 9:41 am
Sorry to hear that the EATS are calling you. It's so true that the little touches... colorful candies... traditional stuff... adds to our memories of what makes Halloween so much fun for us. Last year DH slipped in a mixed box of chocolate bars... whi*****luded my trigger... Butterfingers. It was a miserable time, having to see, but not indulge!
How much does the average person gain for the various Holidays? Are there actual numbers?
Puppy Hugs...

You are right, beyond the COE stuff they had me doing much much more than that and I think there would have been some other "issues" but aside from everything my family must come first. I tried it, and I am glad that I did, so I would never wonder. I am still humbled that they felt I was the best candidate and for that I will always be greatful! Perhaps in the future, once everything is established and I have had a kid or two :) I will be able to go there part time for the benefits. I am looking at developing a weight loss surgery website, membership site actually with my husband as a means of additional income. He is big time involved in these sites, we to boston last weekend and san francisoco this weekend to learn more about it. He is already doing very well $$ wise so he wants to do a WLS site also, sounds like a way for me to make a few dollars and share what I know and what works for most as postops.... what do you think? I hate to take money from my community people but I will offer free newsletters etc and OPTION to buy if they want to. So it won't exclusively a purchase thing. I can do this from home with kids and still feel very fulfilled. Just something I am thinking about.
Anyways, I need to get ready for job... its the weekend :) YEAH! I am so glad to have my old job back.... nobody even can understand how RELIEVED i am... whew. I will miss working with those few I did connect with and I have already hugged them and told them thank you for all they gave me. Maybe someday like I said I will see my way into that department and they did say they would maybe contact me in the future, I told them by all means, to do that.
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

on 10/13/08 3:26 am
I would offer to be an occasional Guest Speaker for the Support Group... You're input on how to get through the Holidays, dealing with others comments, etc will be valuable. Sure that the groups: both recent post-op and those further along will have questions for you. Also your affiliation with the Hospital's SG can only help promote any programs that you might consider starting in the future.
I have not done an updated post yet. Not sure I will as I have told most everyone already or they are finding out through the grapevine it seems. I did post an update on my OH blog. It was a VERY hard decision and one that I didn't take lightly. Took a lot of soul-searching and deciding. In my heart I know I made the right decision for myeslf and my family. You are so sweet about worrying about me not having time for you guys!!! *Hugs* I love you guys and I never want to be separated from such a wonderful December family... you guys are so much a part of me. I mean that!!!!! I am so glad to still be active on here, you just have no idea.
I am sorry to hear you are struggling. It's not easy is it? I struggle too, I think we all do in our own ways.. maybe a bit differently than others. I know refined white carbohydrates just cannot be a part of my diet. When I eat them I am very much in a downward spiral and have to "cold turkey" them before I an decarb. To me its like an alocholoic or drug user... once sober cannot even have a lick of alchohol or one pill.. its over and they are back into their destructive pattern. I feel we are the same. Carbs (refinded carbs) are our poison. Find other alternatives... you can do it. Lately, as gross as this sounds lol.. I will take light margarine or butter (1 tbsp) melted and 2 squirts of 1/2 oz of SF syrup any flavor (davinci) and 1 scoop of protein powder. Mix it up and put dabs on a plate to make a couple cookies.. Nuke in the microwave for 20 seconds NO LONGER and you have cookies.. no joke. It's not the same but it makes a bready like cookie and takes the edge off.
You just gotta think outside the box and I know that is hard when time is not on your side with family. Hang in there and you can always PM me or even call me ok? I am here... I can talk u through the tough times... we all have them and it helps to have someone to vent to. I can be that person if you need me ok?
Hugs and have a good weekend!
Love ya!
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

It is a 3-day weekend for me here and today is yardwork day, tomorrow hopefully sewing and then Monday i have a colonoscopy scheduled so that is pretty much a 'nothing' day. What I'm supposed to be eating and not eating this weekend is a little confusing. I may just skip ahead to the liquid diet to make it easier. By Monday a.m. I definitely won't have any poo weight left. heehee
We had a few good hard frosts this week so the garden is officially done-for. All I have to do now is tear out the vine supports and then rototill. Going to plant my garlic today and get the potted plants moved into the potting shed for their winter rest. Everything else just gets to die down and then maybe a few more tidies before the snow flies and that'll be it for my outdoor fun this year.
DH is out hunting Bambi this weekend and I shouldn't say it but I hope he doesn't fill his tag. I'm not in the mood to help work on the meat, don't like to eat venision personally and would rather use the room in the freezer for diet foods. Bad wife, I know!
You mentioned autumn baking....I'm on it! Have already made one batch of a pumpkin bar thing that went over pretty well but haven't got it entered into my Sparkrecipes data yet. I'll post it when it gets done. Also contemplating a pot of Diana's Black Bean Soup for next is really yummy.
Had another good blood sugar drop this a.m. and waiting for it to come up still. Think I will go have a quick lie-down and wait it out. More later!
Keep it light, simple, and nothing very filling, or when you do the prep you'll regret it. Just remember nothing dark colored, J-ello, grape juice, etc.
Worked way too long for Gastroenterologists.
Best bet, light soups today, early tomorrow, before starting prep.
Caitlin's Vitals: Born 5/22/09, at 9:22 AM, 7 lbs, 20 3/4 inches long. Looks like her daddy!