Hello All
Hugs backatcha! My surgeon's nurse was busy like you when they made Sacred Heart a Center of Excellence. She'd give us updates some months on all the stuff that was going on and it sounded like a huge process. Like you, she still had to run the support group and be the bariatric coordinator for the surgeons. (two at that point, three now!)
You aren't still working at the florist too are you? How in the world could you have time for that? Yikes!
Glad you are holding even with the weight. Are you able to get any exercise in for some stress relief? Hope so. Besides work the only exercise I've been doing lately is yardwork and some situps. Not smart!
Have a great week!
You aren't still working at the florist too are you? How in the world could you have time for that? Yikes!
Glad you are holding even with the weight. Are you able to get any exercise in for some stress relief? Hope so. Besides work the only exercise I've been doing lately is yardwork and some situps. Not smart!

Have a great week!
After spending a few days there I realized quickly it was way more than I can handle both stress wise and with wanting to start a family soon. I swallowed my pride and asked my old boss for my job back. (the weekend job). She agreed after a long discussion to see if I was making a rational decision. The program is set up that the coordinator do EVERYTHING and honestly its not feasible. Really it isn't. Between stress, family planning and expectations that I feel aren't achievable for one person or the part tiem staff hired, I decided it was best for me, my husband, my family, his family and my health to step down and I am very glad I did. The other physician and I would have had personality conflicts I do believe. SO this is ok.
I hope you guys understand.
I wasn't exercising at all.. no. It was a destructive thing in the making I do believe. Back to my old healthier lifestyle now.. I am happy.
You have a good week too Molly and always its great to hear from you!!!!!
I hope you guys understand.
I wasn't exercising at all.. no. It was a destructive thing in the making I do believe. Back to my old healthier lifestyle now.. I am happy.
You have a good week too Molly and always its great to hear from you!!!!!
Hugs, Melissa
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

Aw, Melissa...hugs for having to make such a difficult choice. {{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}} After seeing the things my dr's bariatric coordinator did (with staff to help her!) I can fully understand that you were feeling too much pressure from this job AND trying to work your old job AND dealing with your own personal needs. My dr's BC is a sweet but older lady whose kids are raised and gone, is a widow and doesn't have the extra time demands on her that you have.
Getting to know you here has been a blessing and a privilege and I have to say selfishly, that I'm glad you'll have a little more time to stay part of our community here. I know you'll continue to help people in your support group there too and when the time is right you'll be able to make a move to a job like that again. And hopefully there won't be the real possibility of personality conflicts thrown into the mix too. That would have certainly been a huge health-wrecking stress factor in it's own!
Sorry if I'm rambling here...just want to let you know how proud I am of you for doing the important work you do and for being brave enough to know what changes are and aren't right for you and your family.
Getting to know you here has been a blessing and a privilege and I have to say selfishly, that I'm glad you'll have a little more time to stay part of our community here. I know you'll continue to help people in your support group there too and when the time is right you'll be able to make a move to a job like that again. And hopefully there won't be the real possibility of personality conflicts thrown into the mix too. That would have certainly been a huge health-wrecking stress factor in it's own!
Sorry if I'm rambling here...just want to let you know how proud I am of you for doing the important work you do and for being brave enough to know what changes are and aren't right for you and your family.
Thanks for understanding Molly. (((((Hugs)))) Back and thanks for those, I need them :) I am glad nobody is judging me for leaving and understanding why I made the decision that I did. It wasn't a quick decision and took a lot of thought and soul-searching with my husband and my family. It really is a job for someone without a lot of demands, family etc. I can see why your BC is able to be successful with being a widow and not having any other time constraints, she can put all her energy into it. Good fit for her. Honestly even if I did dive in and put all my effort in, the pants they wanted me to wear, or the shoes they wanted me to fill, just wasn't achieveable and more help would be necessary. They wont' provide that till its proven as a need. You know how it goes.
Thanks so much for saying you are glad I will be around here still. I have to admit I want to be here, you all are my family and honestly I KNOW I would not be as successful as I am now without all of you guys. You keep me grounded. I am blessed as well being part of this amazing December family. They did say that maybe once things get up and running they will call to see if I would be available for a part time job or something later on when I have kids and I might very well want to look into that down the road.
Thanks again for saying your are proud of me. I needed to hear this from my peers honestly. Again there was a lot of swallowing of my pride that came with this decision. I grew from this, big time. As my mom said "this is one of those adult things you don't like to do but you grow immensely when you are faced with it". She is so right.
Sounds like work is keeping you busy!!! I hope that gets better soon. *hugs* You must share ANY pumpkin recipes you come up with.. you know I simply adore pumpkin!
I am so glad fall is here.. aren't you? My favorite. Enjoy it! And thanks again for understanding.
Thanks so much for saying you are glad I will be around here still. I have to admit I want to be here, you all are my family and honestly I KNOW I would not be as successful as I am now without all of you guys. You keep me grounded. I am blessed as well being part of this amazing December family. They did say that maybe once things get up and running they will call to see if I would be available for a part time job or something later on when I have kids and I might very well want to look into that down the road.
Thanks again for saying your are proud of me. I needed to hear this from my peers honestly. Again there was a lot of swallowing of my pride that came with this decision. I grew from this, big time. As my mom said "this is one of those adult things you don't like to do but you grow immensely when you are faced with it". She is so right.
Sounds like work is keeping you busy!!! I hope that gets better soon. *hugs* You must share ANY pumpkin recipes you come up with.. you know I simply adore pumpkin!
I am so glad fall is here.. aren't you? My favorite. Enjoy it! And thanks again for understanding.
Hugs, Melissa
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos
RNY- 12/04/06 with Dr. Matt Glasock
LBL - 4/28/09 with Dr. Rene Recinos

(deactivated member)
on 10/8/08 8:42 am
on 10/8/08 8:42 am
Not really complaining here... but I just found out that the 2 new leaders for my After 1 Year Support Group are not Bariatric Patients. One was a head nurse on the Bariatric floor, which is a relief. I'll have to find out more about the other leader. The Head of the program has had a revision and promised to pop-in from time to time to add from her experiences. I missed last months group, but received the hand-outs later. I like a bit of free-discussion time; rather than a fully topic guided session.
Melissa, Your group is going to go Ga-Ga over having an actual Bariatric Leader! You Rock!
Melissa, Your group is going to go Ga-Ga over having an actual Bariatric Leader! You Rock!