pics. from my recent trip to israel
you can see 5 of them if you click on my profile. keep in mind, the first five are from Israel (last 2 weeks.), the last five are still the old ones from Grecce I posted back in November 07.
anyway, the guy in the Israeli pics w/me is Matt, my current bf (who I think is a cutie pie), the beautiful lady next to me is my mom. Matt took 480 pics of this trip so I might post more later (not all of them, I promise. We visited Jerusalem (my nephew's bar-mitsva, which is the Jewish right of passage into adulthood that takes place when you turn 13), Hebron (specifically, a Jewish settlment in a mostly Palestinian town), Tel-Aviv (which is on the Medetterenian Sea), Ein Bokek (which is on the Dead Sea, the lowest point of Earth), and Eilat (on the Red Sea, which is a vacation town commonly referred to as an Israeli Riviera.) So we saw 3 seas in 3 days (which I think is kind of cool!!!! And we rode a camel named shashu!!!)
Unfortunately, time demands (a.k.a.) boyfriend's limited vacation didn't afford us the opportunity to take a few more days to visit the Northern part of the coutry (Haifa, Carmel Vineries, etc.) but, needless to say, this still has been an unfogettable experience--part family reunion/Bar-mitsva celebration, part vacation.)
Plus, being Jewish (albeigh it not religious but Jewish nonetheless), it was an incredible spiritual experience to see the land of my forefathers/foremothers.
Anyway, let me know if the pics came out on the profile. It took me a few tries but I think I finally got them there.
Love, Nat
anyway, the guy in the Israeli pics w/me is Matt, my current bf (who I think is a cutie pie), the beautiful lady next to me is my mom. Matt took 480 pics of this trip so I might post more later (not all of them, I promise. We visited Jerusalem (my nephew's bar-mitsva, which is the Jewish right of passage into adulthood that takes place when you turn 13), Hebron (specifically, a Jewish settlment in a mostly Palestinian town), Tel-Aviv (which is on the Medetterenian Sea), Ein Bokek (which is on the Dead Sea, the lowest point of Earth), and Eilat (on the Red Sea, which is a vacation town commonly referred to as an Israeli Riviera.) So we saw 3 seas in 3 days (which I think is kind of cool!!!! And we rode a camel named shashu!!!)
Unfortunately, time demands (a.k.a.) boyfriend's limited vacation didn't afford us the opportunity to take a few more days to visit the Northern part of the coutry (Haifa, Carmel Vineries, etc.) but, needless to say, this still has been an unfogettable experience--part family reunion/Bar-mitsva celebration, part vacation.)
Plus, being Jewish (albeigh it not religious but Jewish nonetheless), it was an incredible spiritual experience to see the land of my forefathers/foremothers.
Anyway, let me know if the pics came out on the profile. It took me a few tries but I think I finally got them there.
Love, Nat
(deactivated member)
on 10/2/08 10:40 am
on 10/2/08 10:40 am
You look WONDERFUL!!! I know that it's not all about "looks", but really... Your body is SNUG! The little black dress... Wow!
You've got great genes too so give MOM a big Kiss... HeHeHe
Sounds like you had a really lovely time, made a good connection with "Home", and got a bit closer to Matt! All around a Win-Win!
Thanks for sharing!
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/08 12:56 am
on 10/6/08 12:56 am
Hey, Nat... Mols has 2 kittens!!!! But there's no way that she's going to willingly give up her babies! Heather has a little brood too; check her pics too. I love cats, but my current old guy flipped-out the last time I brought another (really sweet) cat home. After their cat fight, I ended up in the hospital on IVs due to a bite in the hand from MY cat. I could soooo easily be a Cat Lady!
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/08 2:31 am
on 10/6/08 2:31 am
But Nat... Look how cute your baby IS... How it all happened that your German shepherd mix came to have the personality of a baby sheep is a well known tale... It all began many moons ago, when an inquisitive pup "frolicked" with a woolly beauty... Natural course and generations later there came to be a gentle shepard, well be it a bit sheepish, with a sweet disposition .
Basically, a love story!
Basically, a love story!

you think it's a's not be afraid be very afraid (well, o.k. she may not know how to bite or bark but SHE WILL LICK YOU TO DEATH, and that's not a threat, it's a promise. i'll try to paste her pics below but if that doeasn't work, i'm posting them on my profile so please click there.
p.s. her ears never stood up but she's almost 2 years old. purebred she ain't but the butest puppy in the world she is. i nursed her w/ goat mik since she was 2 days old so i may be a little biased. cheers, Nat
you think it's a's not be afraid be very afraid (well, o.k. she may not know how to bite or bark but SHE WILL LICK YOU TO DEATH, and that's not a threat, it's a promise. i'll try to paste her pics below but if that doeasn't work, i'm posting them on my profile so please click there.
p.s. her ears never stood up but she's almost 2 years old. purebred she ain't but the butest puppy in the world she is. i nursed her w/ goat mik since she was 2 days old so i may be a little biased. cheers, Nat