WHO's Missing??? Role Call..& Brief update REQUESTED

(deactivated member)
on 9/3/08 11:24 pm, edited 9/3/08 11:25 pm
Whatcha Doin'????    Who's MIA????  Time to send out the search party...

Here's what I'm doing... not exercising "lately" (have to get that out of the way, but I WILL) My stomach is burning because I forgot to take my Rx... DUH!  My hair needs a re-dye and my legs need a shave.  I still haven't gotten the house under control or the re-do done.  I'm waiting on TOM and then I am getting that darn CT Scan taken!  I heard "eat something" a few times this week (Oh, Joy!!!) and I'm Jonesin' for Famous Daves OR ANY good BBQ ribs right NOW!

Make my day and show up... and blab that you too are HUMAN!!!

Elaine C.
on 9/4/08 6:42 am - Lawton, OK
TOM is visiting me!  And, making me want to eat anything not nailed down!  Good thing I haven't been grocery shopping or the damage could be worse.  I have been using the elliptical most days (at least 4-5 times a week).  Would like to use TIM as an excuse not to but haven't (yet) and I feel better for it.  Get to see my surgeon tomorrow for a chckup/in.  Should be fun cause I have lost at least 15 pounds since my last visit.  Would really like a TT but, well, can we say $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!
on 9/4/08 11:59 pm - Hillsborough, NJ

Hi all.  I definately have been missing in action.  It's been a rough 9 months for our family.  My daughter, age 30, came down with Guillian Barre which is a paralyzing disease.  I won't go into details but it's been hell.  Fortunately, she's on the mend now and walking with a walker and able to care for her 2 young children.  I have been busy caring for her and the boys along with her husband.   Finally I can breathe because they are back in their own home and managing on their own. 

I have been able to stay at my goal weight throughout this time..   I go up and down the same 2 -3 pounds.  I don't exercise formally but I did get enough exercise running after the kids and attending to my daughter.

My life is starting to get back to normal and my husband and I can start enjoying our own life.  We own a second home in the mountains so we've been going there on the weekends and enjoying what is left of the summer. 

I hope everyone is doing well.  It's good to be back here and I hope to check in daily and see how everyone is doing.


Myamshmi,   Kathi


on 9/5/08 3:49 am - McAllen, TX
Another MIA checking in...

This summer was great. We went to Missouri for a family reunion (Montauk State Park is a beautiful destination - good facilities and very far from EVERYTHING! - trout fishing is good). My mom's family has been meeting at this spot for over 50 yrs. It was good to catch up with all of my family. Most were re-surprised at how thin I was. Some hadn't seen me since before the surgery, so that was fun.

Lately, I have been singing a lot with my husband's band - it's fun and I get a major confidence boost from it. My dream job would be doing back-up for someone... which I might just pursue someday...

Basically, I have been blessed these last few months with a lot of good things and happy moments. I am trying to live this new life by the moment - and trying not to obsess too much.

I need to exercise more - and I am working on it. I also need to eat a little better - but I give myself grace to eat a handful of peanut m&m's once in a while.

My weight is holding steady at 165/168. I would like to drop down to 145/150, and I know what I need to do to get there - I'm just trying to be in a normal state right now - does that make any sense??

I still drop in and read up on everyone from time to time - thanks for 'sending out a search party'.

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/08 9:11 am
 WooHoo...   on your 15 Lb loss... Your surgeon will be thrilled! 

Have you picked out your outfit yet.  I know... it's childish... but I like to go on the "light" side.  No sense wearing JEANS when you can wear SHORTS that weigh a lot less!

"Everyone" uses TOM as an excuse at some time.   You probably got the drift that I am "power eating" to keep weight on NOW.  I've been told that at some point the Lbs will stick... and Yes, I am afraid of getting my big butt back.  So for me the gain might disappear, which will hold me back from getting PS!! 

Don't the PS prices stink????   I need some boobage!!!!   Lord, where did they go???

The rest of my body, which looks pretty good WITH clothing, has a melted candle effect.  Hope that you have fared better than I have, but the reality is that most WLS patients get a nasty wake-up call in the form of Excess-Skin-a...Hangin' everywhere.  Have you checked out the PS board?  They know so much more than I can take-in right now.  All the things that you find-out later that the PS mentioned, but it didn't seem that bad to hear at the consult.  "Cut" alone has me shaking in my pants.  Yet I did not really worry about the RnY.  No Jitters to speak of on the days prior to surgery.

Grocery shopping actually has gotten BETTER for me!  When I was SMO, I'd feel like all eyes where watching me as I bought DH's chip supply.  Now some people actually look to see what snacks I'm choosing... WoooHooo's Lookin' Now moment!  

Have a Great Dr's Visit tomorrow!!!

on 9/4/08 11:56 am - Spokane, WA
Hey lady, I'm here for roll call.  And I'm power eating with you, except I'm not supposed to be!   Had a chemical spill at work today and got a migraine from it so I came home and felt sorry for myself.  But I lounged around and napped a lot with my kittehs.  When the head got better I even managed to get a little housework type stuff done. 

Gonna give myself a big pat on the back this week for putting in a call to my pcm and getting my Ambien refilled as well as getting a consult for my much-overdue colonoscopy.  And I even put my dainty (erm....) little foot down and demanded the same dr. who does my endoscopy.  This test is only 7 years overdue but hey, better late than never!    Now the next icky thing I have to make myself go do is setting up the mammo.  They make it a difficult process in the military medical system here.  I tend to try to spend as little time out there as possible since I have to drive on base every day for my job.  haha

Sam has a friend over and they are laughing hysterically over the fact that I told Sam some of the waffles I made for dinner for them contain nuts.  One of those 'teenage boy' words of extreme hilarity.  yikes....   (ps, there are also little sausage links) 


Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
(deactivated member)
on 9/5/08 12:00 am
Hi, Molly...   Cheers on getting your appointments scheduled!  Did you ever think that you'd need so much prodding and poking don't just to know what's going on with your body?  I get my check-ups done... even the mammo... but grumble about it.  Yep, 7 years... It's TIME!

My PCP said that I should go for an endoscopy due to the burning stomach.  You had ulcers after surgery, Right?  Do they take longer to heal?  I'd think so.  Any complications that you remember??? 

Just thinking of a chemical spill gives me anxiety.  My tongue thickens in the garden department, when the supplies are still in bags and bottles. You must have had some migraine! Glad that you had some fun with your kittens and a cat nap...

Isn't Ambien the Rx that makes some people night eat???  What Rx am I thinking about???  It's a sleep aid that OH members talk about that has them doing all kinds of weird stuff asleep.  I can see you baking up a storm, if it ever happened to you.  Bake Sale, Anyone!

  You should have known that Sam and his friend would crack-up over "nuts"... MOM!!!
Too Funny...

on 9/5/08 10:02 pm - Spokane, WA
My surgeon's bariatric coordinator was discussing the ulcers with me once and mentioned that post-op ulcers do take longer to heal so you have to be patient and a good eater.  No sharp, scratchy, acidic or spicy foods.  (Uh, everything that makes life good besides chocolate!)

I still have my ulcers, just keep them mostly healed and they flare from time to time but easily squelched and re-healed again now.  Couldn't be the excess coffee consumption or the excess stress???? 

You are right about Ambien but so far I haven't found any evidence that I'm doing anything weird at night. Usually if I need it, I only use half a tablet and these aren't the double-layer type so I don't sleep heavily with them anyway.  It is pretty easy to wake up in the night with them but I feel alert when I do that and any eating I do I *know* and am making a conscious bad choice to do.  (usually nsa ice cream!)

Wasn't it someone from our group here who took Ambien and then woke up to find she'd shaved er, where the sun don't shine?  Or was it someone from the RNY board?  Anyway....that's a big fear for me.  No midnight shaving yet!  Although, I wouldn't mind waking up to smooth legs sometime.  Seems like it'd save time in the morning. 

Funny about waking up and baking....I actually do that some weekends just so that I stay on my normal body-clock schedule.  In fact, here it is 5 a.m. and I'm typing instead of going back to bed.  Well, after a cup of herbal tea I'll do just that but missed you and wanted to check in today. 

That same friend of Sam's is spending the night...wish I could think of something funny to make them for breakfast but am feeling lazy today and think they can just 'bach it and have cold cereal.  I normally always cook a big breakfast on the weekend at least once.  No trouble not eating it, I have my cc pancakes or waffles to look foward to! 


Highest weight 268, Pre-consultation weight: 255, surgery day weight 230
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/08 5:04 am
Hmmmm.... I over did the spicy food for certain.  PLEASE don't mean that chocolate is OUT!!!!  I need your confirmation on that, Molly.  I need my SF cocoa for stressful times.  My usual decaf green tea was too strong, which doesn't make much sense unless it's acidic regardless of  the caffeine.  I'm doomed if it from stress.

Other than the burning, I have tingling / burning inside my mouth.  It's a weird sensation.  I had been on an RX for preventative measures for the first year post-op.  Now I'm taking it again, but it hasn't "kicked-in" yet.   

PLEASE>>>> LORD, Have Mercy!!!    
******No Shaved "er" Zone******
at least not because of Ambien

A Q.
on 9/5/08 6:05 am - Houston, TX


I have been MIA!! Sorry..

I'm doing good, maintaining weight between 143 and 145. Never made it to 130, still dreaming of that one day.

I hit 146 the other day and hit the roof..and hit the streets because that was wayyy over my high weight.

I still feel really good, keeping up with vitamins and just got bloodwork done the other day. Lots of energy and never want to sleep now, instead of wanting to sleep all of the time.

Went on a cruise last month, scheduled another one for may 09.

Nothing new going on, just maintaining!



"What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you."

RNY - 12/8/06 ; WT 233.6 ; Goal WT 130 ; Height 5'2
Tummy tuck - 9/24/07;  breast lift/reduction October 2012

Angela in Houston


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