Paging Molly!
I like this recipe, may do some protein powder or try that nasty soy flour (blech) i need to get almond flour.
sub brown sugar substitute
no raisins (ick)
also add hood milk with vinegar for the buttermilk.
Yumm! I'd also sub whole wheat PASTRY flour for the white flour. If you can't get that easily locally I bet you could get it online from King Aurthur Flour or Bob's Red Mill. It is a wonderful sub for white flour.
No raisins. How about craisins for added sweetness? Mini choc. chips if you are making it to take somewhere.
If you sub the hood milk and vinegar then I'd leave the butter for sure. Have to add that fat to the recipe or you won't get a rich taste. Maybe leave the buttermilk but make it low fat and then halve the butter amount. ?
Definitely a scoop or two of protein powder but I dunno about the soy flour. Haven't baked in awhile but that hasn't stopped me buying the freezer I have Teff, almond, barley, oats, brown rice and prob. a couple more I'm forgetting. haha
Recently bought some whole quinoa grains too to try to make a wheat-berry-type salad. Read a recipe either on Sparkpeople or in the local paper with it and it sounded good.
Am eating some banana/sf chocolate/pb2 protein ice cream now...pretty darned good! Made it with Mice Milk instead of Eggface's protein powder recipe since my prot. powder is too yucky by itself. But I went to Costco today and bought some EAS vanilla powder. 2 scoops is 120 cal (?..close) and 27 gr. prot. Not bad and I like the fact that it takes the two scoops instead of one. In recipes like the pumpkin muffins it gives the product extra body.
I bet I can find that whole wheat pastry flour at an organic section of a local grocery store by me. They carry lots of Bob's products. I have also boughten his 10 grain pancake mix and totally love it in pancakes will never go back to WW flour again! I do have lots of WW flour to use (regular though). Craisins sound good, lots of sugar when I looked at the bag. Not so worried about carbs as I am lowering my blood sugar later. Glad to hear the banana did not do that to you. I was just going to ask about unsweetened applesauce how funny! I thought it might not be thick enough, but what if we added a thickening agent like just a tad of cronstarch as I have no idea how to make homeade. Hmmmmm. I love apple flavor. Cinnamon apple would be delish! Esp for fall.
I think I will stick with regular milk to make sure it "sours" into buttermilk appropriately it isn't much to use. And will prob work best. I will leave the butter alone.
OK so I have ANOTHER question lol..
We were at walmart last night and husband has also been kind persnickity (is that the right spelling) about some things, especially appliance overloading (i hear you on that sigh) and they had Rival ice cream makers on sale.. a 4 qt for 15 bucks and 6 qt for 19 bucks. I didn't get it because it called for "rock salt" which I have heard u need with homeade icecream. they had none. Do i need it for protein ice cream? I want to buy one and he said I could b/c its so cheap (it looks sorta cheap too, plastic.. not cusineart material by far) but hes willing to let me get it so I wanted to ask you first.. i bet the only ones that will still be left will be the 19 dollar 6 qt as there were a few of those. Thoughts? Thanks so much!
I have that eas powder from costco, personally liked walmarts body fortress taste better for some reason. Not sure why? I was only using one scoop tho for my totals so not sure if i misread it, that could be why! woops.
Hi lady! Just back from another shopping trip.
Treated myself to a few new shirts for work and some new treadmill pants. My old ones are so floppy and too hot for summer...gotta eliminate exercise excuses right?!
My ice cream maker is a Rival but a knock-off of the Cuisinart with it's own gel-filled cannister. It isn't that you need the rock salt for regular ice cream or not it is what you need for the freezing science depending on what style ice cream maker it is. I used to have a Rival or Proctor-Silex (?) 1 1/2 qt. model that used table salt instead of rock salt and ice cubes. What a pain!!!! I do NOT recommend the rock salt kind...that is just an electric version of the old crank kind and makes waaaaay too much ice cream anyway. If you need more than 1 1/2 qts of ice cream you are eating too much homemade ice cream. LOL
Here is a link to a Rival ice cream maker that is the current equivalent to what I have. Mine is an older model and looks diff.
Go through your appliance stash and find one to get rid of and then find yourself one with a freezer cannister like the Cuisinart. Who knows...maybe this time of year you can find it on clearance! I'd try places like Linens 'n Things, Ross, TJ Maxx, Target, etc. Good luck convincing hubbie!
Back to the know, with the applesauce if you just cook down some store bought unsweetened stuff for awhile it would get a lot thicker and then you could just bulk up the recipe with extra protein powder. How about adding some old fashioned oats for texture too or would that be a dumping problem for you? Oatmeal applesauce cinnamon. Sounds very autumn! A slice of that and some of your 'apple cider' would be a good treat to bring to your friends at work. (and then you don't have it at home tempting you too much like the biscotti) I love baking for people at work. How evil of me.
Am hoping to get to the doctor on Tuesday for this infection, am so tired of being tired and my face hurting. Have actually started taking motrin for it to keep it from throbbing too much and the lump hasn't gotten any bigger too. Even with a whole Ambien I still woke up twice last night. This is nutz! Am ready for a nap already. hahaha

Have you ever heard of Carbquik? I haven't but at Linda's Low Carb recipes she uses it in most of her baked goods. Maybe we could just sub out some of Bob's Red Mill gluten free baking mix?
I have heard of it and very interested in getting some! I see it used in atkins plans all the time. I did make some pumpkin scones too! they were uhm good.. lots of butter in them tho, the rest I subbed some flour for protein powder like you did and SF brown sugar (sugar twin) and it was very good too good I am afraid. Yum.
Oh my gosh, i am SOOO tired! LOL I didn't even think of Hungry Girl. I bet this recipe is in my cookbook too.
THIS one sounds like we could play with it best. Let's give it a try when I wake up.
shutting up now....