Wednesdays Eats and Moves
Breakfast: Nectar Cappaccino protein shake with 8 oz light vanilla soy milk, ff whippage.
Snack: EAS Shake
Lunch: 1 cup romaine, 1 oz light monteray jack cheese shredded, 2 oz red pepper raw, 3 oz grilled chicken, 2 tbsp light french dressing
Snack: EAS Shake
Dinner: Homeade stirfry using broccoli slaw, some frozen mixed stirfry veggies, fresh mushrooms, onions and pea pods and mixture of shrimp and beef strips using stirfry packet (substituted splenda for sugar it called for and light soy sauce). No rice for me.
Snack: 2 cup chai tea latte using light vanilla soy milk and whippage and a bit latter a protein pumpkin muffin (actually made these tonight.. i want sweets so bad lately so this will help me out) and put my SF/FF "frosting" on top with some ff whippage and sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice.
Exercise: none, just went to the grocery store. I have an ear infection and its had me down and out since Sunday. Running a fever and the whole 9 yards, been trying to avoid the doctor looks like I will be going for drops tomorrow.. argh!
Water: not great.. only 32 ounces (so bad)
Vitamins: good there.
How did you do?
Have been trying to keep eats logged but didn't manage on Weds. Very stressful day, today was worse and eats weren't great. Still haven't been exercising but I have a lump in my sinus bone (returned infection prob. from that bridge work) and am so, so tired lately.
Funny you should mention the pump. prot. muffin and whippage! I had decided that I need to get back to basics like that but thought I'd give it a try with bananas instead of the pumpkin. It worked! Good way to use up bananas too. With 1 T cinnamon and 1 tsp. maple flavouring it tastes a lot like banana bread. If I remember correctly you are allergic to bananas, right? If so that is too bad, this makes a nice change from the pumpkin and the whippage is delish on it too.
Trouble with DH lately and one of the upshots of it was that I have 'moved out' of the fridge. All my food is now out in the garage in a tiny fridge so it is a real pain to eat properly. This is a huge challenge. Trying to curb the carb monster is so hard but am really working at it.
Have you tried to make some of Shelly's (Eggface) protein ice cream this summer? It is fun and guilt-free. However, now I have used up all my vanilla prot. powder and have to find a better replacement. You really taste the protein in that recipe and if it isn't good it stands out.
Anyway, sorry to be so windy. Glad to see you back on the mb, hope you have a good day tomorrow.
Ouch Molls, sorry to hear about the infected sinus bone
Sounds painful. Hang in there, rest up and get some antibiotics! I hope u are taking some!
Yum those banana muffins sound great but afraid of the carbs even if I could eat bananas.. just too much sugar and I think it would drop my blood sugar later. I have eaten a banana after a 5k once and i didn't end up "itching" like i did in previous years so maybe I outgrew it? But my blood sugar dropped after eating it 2 hours later. Would be an awesome change. Enjoy those!
Why did u have to move out of the big fridge? To be better eating wise? I am confused.. hopefully it helps.
I haven't tried the protein ice cream. Husband forbids another "appliance". We accumulated so many we have an appliance "closet" instead of a food pantry in our kitchen. We got many for our wedding 5 years ago. I would love to try it. As husband said, its just another "addiction" I don't need.. men lol.
You can be windy any time u want, I love hearing from you Molly and miss you lots.
Hope your windows look good. Thinking of you! Hugs!
Melissa last reply before taking the ambien. (sleep is for sissies and people who don't worry about boo-boo'ing their cars) (long story)
Got kicked out of the fridge because His Highness has to have all his needed foods visible front and center. Important stuff like A-1 sauce, Miracle Whip, butter. My stuff takes up too much room so it is gone now. He loves it. #ss.
The numbers came out pretty close to the same with the puree'd banana...I was so surprised. My blood sugar always dropped with the other ones too and this was something I was wanting to try for awhile so what the heck. Would love to try it with some homemade, really thick unsweetened applesauce this fall too.
Regarding the appliances...that was another thing DH got upset over so I have gotten rid of 6. New policy will be the same as cookbooks are for me in, one out. Makes buying one a big decision cause I know I am going to force myself to give up something else for this 'newbie'.
Blissfully the windows are all installed now and now we just have all the finish work to do and then window coverings to re-install/purchase. Bet we will really notice the change this winter!
Ok, now I will make myself get some sleep. My parents and sister are really worried and fussing at me about sleep so I'm relying more on the Ambiens. Usually only take half one because I can usually only get about 4 or 5 hrs anyway but I have time for the whole pill tonight. Hope it works! A hotel room would work best but if it had a jacuzzi tub I wouldn't sleep anyway I'd just get all pruned up from soaking. hahaha
Oh wow... sounds like a lot of drama at your place Molls
I have been there with my family members (not aaron) as you know (grandma) etc.. and it can be very very stressful *hugging you*. I hope your sleep gets better.. honestly u do need your sleep. Now that I started on the lexapro I sleep like a baby.. i realize how much sleep I was missing out on before.. its made all the difference in the world. I hope the ambien helps you... hang in there. Love ya!