Weds Weigh in...Confession and vow!
HW: 372
LW: 197(lowest 179)
CW: 201
I now have a 2 in front of my weight...again. I have been so upset and depressed since I saw that. I just can't believe I let myself get there again. Not only that, but all my size 12's are getting tight and I refuse to go out and buy 14's.
So here's is my confession: I eat constantly. I drink wine and beer almost every night. I eat sweets and bread. I drink pop and coffee daily. I have not been to the gym in almost a month. I have not been taking my vitamins consistently. I do not like where my life is going but feel powerless to stop it.
and now for the vow: From this moment on I will not drink any beer, wine or soda (gotta have the coffee, but will limit it to one a day). I will monitor my portions instead of grazing all day and log them. I will get all sweets out of my house. I will make it to the gym minimum of 3 times a week.
Now all I have to do is follow through
Amy..I read your post and was in tears..I so RESPECT you for laying it ALL out there. I also have been making BAD choices and am sooo mad at ME. I started out sooo good yesterday and then ate a few chips and followed it up with Superman ice cream that my youngest was eating that honest to gosh is so SWEET it gags me. I told him if I ever say give me 1 small scoop again say NO nicely to me. I have been AWLFUL with my vitamins and drinking my water. I was not much of a soda drinker before so other then a sip now and then I have not had a problem with that..salty/crunchy is my weakness
I am RIGHT behind you on my vow..we can do this. I still way in the 240's and I did not do this surgery to weigh what I do.
We are going on vacation in less then 2 weeks and I need to get back on track or I will be really bad there.
We can ALL do this together

ME TOO! I went on vacation in April and i have not come back -in my mind --i am eating like a crzy person.........I discovered these granola bars that are salty and sweet ( i am right there wiht you Diana) they are only 160 calories and 12 g of sugar and 19 carbs BUT i was eating 3 per day! That is 1/2 of the total calories i should be eating in a DAY not to mention the carbs.
I dont know how much i weigh -i am too afraid..but my pants are a bit snug- some are down right tight.....and I never got to goal in the first place! AMY i admire you......i dont have the GUTS to weigh myself- but i am back on track--no granola bars in my home- i wish i could learn moderation.
Yesterday was my first day even to read these boards in probably a month....and that is not like me........i am ashamed and i did not want to face you guys....
SO thank you again ----Dawn
Amy let me say how much I admire you doing this. I am sure you remember a few months back I came out and told you all I had an eating disorder.. I was very anxious and was turning to food. I got help and it really made a big difference. I am not saying I am perfect by any means, that carb monster still rears his ugly head at me from time to time (on vacation badly) but at least I have the means now to pull it back together. Have you thought about getting some medication to help you cope better? It really has made a HUGE difference for me and not even a high dosage.
The gym is a great way to excrete those brain chemicals that relax us. Every time I stop, I wonder why I ever did. I feel so good when I can run and lift weights etc. It empowers me and makes me feel strong. Try getting back as soon as possible. I too have not been back in about a month with my busy schedule, I have lost TONS of muscle, I am very flabby now and I will have to work up from ground zero but I am not gonna give up.
We all need to get back on the wagon in one way or another. Let's start logging our intake and our exercise again daily. It really helps us stay accountable. Remember food is fuel.. nothing else.
Drink lots of water to curb your appetite, decaf tea/coffee, chew sugarless gum.. we can do it.
I love you for coming out and saying this. None of us are perfect and we all have our own stresses in our lives. It is important that we get the help we need tho. Know that I am here for you and if you ever need to call me on the phone to talk.. I am here that way too.
Thanks for the advice and support. I have been taking the generic form of lexapro for about 3 months and it has helped tremendously for my slight depression. My hubby and I are doing great relationship wise. We also had a big talk about the crap in the house yesterday. He saw how upset I was about the scale and together we got rid of the crap in the house. He is also going to be my gym pimp and promises to stay on my case about going. He has been my biggest supporter and cheerleader since the beginning so I think now that he knows I'm struggling he will definitely be there to push me.
Didn't weight last week, was on vacation.
HW: 328
SW: 280
CW: 147
Lowest: 131.6, maintained at 133 for a long time
I did get down to 139 before vacation. I turned to carbs a lot on vacation
dumped more times than I would like to count, wasn't worth it, never is..
Lets get accountable ladies! This board rocks and I am so glad we are still active on this board together!

July 4th weekend put a mild spin in my diet, that I'm slowly recovering from. And PMS week, right after the 4th, wasn't pretty.
But, I'm maintaining at 153-155. Goal for surgeon was 145, but they stated if I maintained at the current weight, especially since working on getting pregnant, they were happy.
With that said.. someone (namely me) needs to back the hell off the granola bars. They make 90 calorie ones now. Oh boy! Not good. And I just got the braces off, so it's a whole new sensation after almost 2 years, to be able to CHEW and not have to deal with fighting the braces.
I plan on working on losing 1 pound this week. My weight this AM was 158 (had a pizza pig out weekend, after not having pizza in about 4 months), so I packed on 3 lbs.
Of course, if I could just make a
with the carb
, it would all be
Until then, I'll just continue to go
and remind myself it's a big
to get in to the granola bars.

I really need to start this up again and be accountable ;o)
HW: 343
LW: 147
CW: 151 weight is crazy. I think some of it is the extra skin because my weight is really not moving anywhere but my size is changing. I am in a size 4 but was just able to buy a size 2 in a pair of pants at the GAP!!! Crazy!!! My confession and obsession is Starbucks... I am addicted...I have to have a Skinny Carmel Latte or a Carmel Light Frappachino at least once a day. I get a terrible headache when I don't. I really need to lay of the Starbucks and margarittas!