Tonight, Live Chat 8pm Central Time!
I am hoping to be here ya'all, but if I am not please go on and chat without me!
Monday I am going to my surgery town a couple hours away to visit with my Angel and an old h.s. friend. Gonna stay the night there and come home last tuesday night. Wednesday I have to work and then have bible study. Thurs-Sat is the annual campout of my husbands and then I have to work. The week after that we go on vacation! So I may not be around quite as much as I have been as the next two weeks are busy busy for me.. but I will try my hardest as I do not want to distance myself too much, its best if I don't. But just wanted to update you and I hope to see you tonight! *hugs*
(deactivated member)
on 7/3/08 8:19 am
on 7/3/08 8:19 am
Where the H_ _ _ is the Emoticon for tantrums?!?!?!
My calendar was not consulted on all of these plans, Melissa!
OK... I guess that I'll have to "share" you with the rest of the world...
Kiss Your Angel for Me... and have a safe and happy (long) visit and vacation!