Beck Discussion - Day 9
Day 9 - Start an Exercise Plan
She starts off by saying that those who lose weight and successful maintain their weight loss are those that exercise, period. So no excuses everyone, gotta move our fannies. Our metabolism slows with age, so unless we decrease our caloric input each decade we are destined to put on those few pounds every year unless we are doing some form of exercise and its good for your cardiovascular and mental health! Ok that is *MY* side notes.. back to beck.. ahem ;)
Exercising makes you want to stick to your diet, it says you are putting for the effort to exercise so you need to eat healthy also.
It may also control your appetite. I know many say they are hungrier when they exercise but for me it is quite the opposite, I get that endorphine rush and feel no hunger after exercise but I always (after weight lifting especially) drink a low cal high protein shake to help my muscles repair. Right after working out, especially weight training, that first 30 mins to 1 hour is the easiest time to repair broken down muscle fibers with added protein supplmentation, especially whey protein. Just another side note of Mels ;) Sorry.. back to beck (haha)
It can help your mood and help alleviate stress!
It burns calories! Yes we knew this one but did you know that strength training actually not only helps your bone and build muscles but it raises your metabolism at rest even when u aren't working out? be sure you lift some sort of weights everyone!
Exercise preserves muscle tissues. Since we are on restricted diets, lower caloric intake it is common and expected to loose muscle mass with each pound lost but we can minimize that with eating protein in adequate amounts and exercising.
Exercise builds confidence. It gives you a sense of empowerment!
You just feel better physically when you move more!
It just plain improves your health overall, especially your cardiovascular system. It is good to get your heart rate up for a minimum of 30 mins a day. Even if you have to break it up into 10 minute segments that is ok!
How do you start if you haven't?
Well its best to include spontaneous and planned exercises Dr. Beck says.
Spontaneous would be like taking the stairs over the escalator or elevator. Parking your car far out in the parking lot. I know when I go grocery shopping I go get the water first so I have to pu**** around. Yes, I am a dork that way! Find ways to just keep moving. They say even those who "fidget" more than others can burn upwards of another 250-300 calories a day! That is impressive!
Planned Exercise would be your gym time, your walk or run, exercise tapes etc. Make sure it is something you enjoy and can stick with, very important. Start slow and work your way up to 30 mins a day.
What if you feel you don't have enough time in the day?
Consult your diet coach if you need to for helpful tips and insight if you are having a hard time figuring this out.
Utilize day cares at the gym or include the children in your activities, find something the whole family can do together!
If you have physical limitation ask your health care provider for suggestions, even if your movement is limited there is no reason you can't incorporate some sort of exercise that is suitable for you and your limitations.
Simply MAKE TIME TO EXERCISE. Quit giving excuses. Eliminate other unnessary things like TV watching or find ways to make dinner quicker or have people help in the family so you can get your exercise in. This may even mean waking up a tad bit earlier, regardless make it happen!
If you are worried what others think about your exercising in public then find something to do in your own home/comfortable environment till you can venture out in public. Anyways, you are doing something for your health, you shouldn't let others intimdate your or feel they are "looking" at you.. honestly who cares what they think?
Make a plan and stick to it. no excuses!
Find a workout buddy if you feel this will help encourage you, maybe even your diet coach!
She then talks about sabotaging thoughts when it comes t exercise and how we can correct our "stinking thinking" about it.
She finally says "once I accept that exercise is essential and start doing it consistently, dieting will be easier". Amen Dr. Beck!
Be sure you do your to-do's!
(And I bet I do have these memorized by now Ro!) That's good though, its good to have those burned in our brains I think.. thats why we keep reviewing them.
See ya for day 10 soon!
(deactivated member)
on 6/30/08 10:08 pm
on 6/30/08 10:08 pm
Mel... This is your domain!!! Melissa #9!
About metabolism slowing with age... it's true. It is also true that "desk jobs" are really ruining a lot of young adults' metabolism "set". Lately, I've seen many people walking during their lunch time, which is a good way to fit in some exercise.
After walking, I don't feel hungry, but I do eat... usually 1/2 tuna sandwich. I also choose healthier foods to eat when exercising. Why waste the effort by eating junk later.
My New Mantra: Exercise can help your mood and help alleviate stress!
Good Idea about adding weights to strengthen upper frame; walking for the rest of the body. Muscle & Bone Loss are the Pits!
You are too much!!! LOL!!! I can see you now with the water stacked high in your shopping cart to get in some Spontaneous exercise! It true... the water does make the cart HEAVY.
When I was walking pre-op / SMO, many drivers would give me the
! One man actually stopped and mentioned that his wife had had WLS and that it changed her life. Last year I spoke briefly with his wife on the phone to thank them both for words of enouragement. Now walking is EASY; no more red face, sweating, knee pain, etc. I just need to get out there! No Excuses!
HaHaHa!!! I knew that you'd know your ARCs! I have keywords written on a card inside my eyeglass case so I read them daily. Also put together a few easy sentences using the words to keep them "in mind".
Where are my sneaker????? HeHeHe

Well exercise has been crucial to my success I feel. It is the one thing I have pretty much always kept constant in my "routine" postop (for the most part) and even if the eating isn't stellar (which many times it hasn't been) i usually get some form of activity in each day or try to at least.
Great job on the walking! Glad you have reminders for your ARC's to!! Awesome job!!!!
I haven't re-read this day yet but now I can see it had better happen today. My excuses lately are that I am too exhausted, I get plenty of exercise at work (that really is true) and now it is too hot. Can't do anything about the exhaustion part...that is just plain lack of sleep. As for being too hot well there is always my little old stepper that is now in the basement. lightest workday of the week is Wednesday so that means that I have no excuse not to exercise downstairs Weds, Sat. and Sun.
It was just plain too hot to sleep last night, I got maybe 2 hrs and am a zombie today which is why I knew I needed to log on here today. I have to stop using exhaustion as an excuse to eat and have to fight it. Also working hard at increasing my fluids because I think that I am confusing thirst for hunger and being tired makes that more difficult to differentiate.
Have to give myself props for the spontaneous exercise...I really try hard on that one! I always take the stairs when I go to the base hospital and always RUN the stairs. Woot woot! Ditto the stairs to the warehouse mezzanine at work.
Lifting weights? No problem there...that is my job! And this time of year it is even heavier with AC's to stock. Yikes.... At my highest weight I used to be able to lift 10,000 btu units but now can't go above 8,000.
OK, a little more computering and then I'm outside in the heat to plant some shrubs.