Morning Workout Day 2
I went for my second early rise gym run this morning and I find I am actually enjoying it. Wakes me up and puts me in a generally good mood. I also find my self more relaxed when I find myself rushing with the kids to get ready to leave for Pop Pop's house. I was worried 5:00 am was gonna wear me out, but I find myself making more of an effort to go to bed early instead of just sitting around watching TV.
I am, however, having trouble with my eating. I find myself hungry all the time. I did really good yesterday until I got home from work. It was raining and had to change dinner plans. TO much lightening for the grill and it was all down hill from there. Not sure what to do to control it. If I had will power I never would have been 372 pounds to begin with.
What do you all do to curb the mucnchies? I drink tons of water, at least a gallon a day so I do not think I am thirsty.
(deactivated member)
on 6/10/08 2:32 am
on 6/10/08 2:32 am
5 AM!!!!
Now that's something to talk about~~~amazin'...
(Personally, I'm too chicken to walk alone that early...bears!!!)
About the munchies... I almost always weigh all of my foods on a digital scale. It's more than a habit at this point. I can actually "put back" too much food at this point. My Good Cook food scale is worth every penny that it cost (cheap also...Wal-mart?) because it keep food from my lips and my hips.