My December Board Goals...
1) Start logging my food intake religiously on fitday and logging it here as well. I was doing so good when I was RELIGIOUS with this.. so I need to find time to do it. I will try to start the post again every day.. if I don't I ask that someone fill in (doesn't have to be Molly) but we all could use this sort of accountability. Ro, you are sooo good at logging your food, would you be our back up person if Molly and I don't post? This way I will go back and log later.. I am sure Molly wants this accountability back too.. we both like doing this.
2) Continue the Beck Solution Chapter reviews.. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Are you guys liking this so far? it is good for me. I really enjoy it.
3) I spent the day cooking and preparing meals.. figuring out my eating plan again all over.. using the beck solution book to help guide my choices and make a solid plan for myself. My schedule slows down for the summer other than working at the floral shop on wednesdays and my husbands softball games (hes a highschool softball coach). I am very excited to finally get to do some things that *I* enjoy.. I plan to read, exercise, scrapbook, garden and cook more.. it will be nice. I told my other job (nursing job) not to expect me to pick up shifts right now. I need to get myself straightened out first (didn't tell them that tho) before I can give anywhere else. Still on the waiting list for the therapist up north and once that gets going thats traveling once a week a couple hours each way. So need to keep my schedule open and available for when its time to hit that hard.
I am feeling very hopeful that I can finally straighten a lot of my issues out soon.. I wanna get back to my roots here, where all my strong supporters and friends are
So tell me.. do you have any goals for yourself right now? I am sure if you are reading the beck book its inspiring you to want to create some for yourself.
Have a good weekend everyone. I really wanna be there for all of you more and hope you can continue to support me as well.. I love our family here and want to keep it going strong. There is strength in numbers here my friends. Love ya!

I could not agree with you more on the logging in the food. I am not real far in the book BUT what hit me BIG time was the part in eating a broken piece of pretzel or crumbs then it does not count..hello..I am the QUEEN of this. It has MADE me think a lot on this. Most of the time I do not even THINK about it so I know I need to be more accountable to me and if I am more accountable to you I will be

(deactivated member)
on 5/18/08 7:57 am
on 5/18/08 7:57 am
Hey, Mel... You know so few people have reponded lately to the Eat & Moves that I think that we should each take a day; alphabetically, perhaps! That way the Dec. Babes would have to commit to being more involved. It's really hard to post Eats & Moves sometimes. I know this because I tried to do it outside of my comfort zone (here) on the Grad MB. They are very supportive, but I didn't know what to expect... what type of comments, etc. Actually, I don't like posting my Eats and Weigh-in. I have to push myself to do this; even this late out, eventhough I know that it helps with losing LB. The Grad MB posts Night Snacks also. As I have had to eat most of the day and into the night lately, I do not reply there... I think that they'd think that I was breaking rules and setting a bad example. I am still trying to stabilize my losing (over 2000 cals on somedays) and am going for tests next week. I am "in" for working together here so that we meet our goals, don't regain, and don't end-up without an active monthly board, which strengthens our support / safety net.
This would be nice to do Ro.. but I am not sure it would actually work. It almost (as unfair as it seems) find that its better to put the leadership role with this on one or two people's shoulders rather than everyone. Inevitably people end up not following through. Not to sound negative but that is usually how it pans out.
If you don't feel comfortable logging your eats and weights we totally understand. Nobody will judge you for the amount you are eating. Girl if you only knew how much this piehole could put away.. you got nothing on me! lol. I am praying your tests come out ok and you get to the bottom of why you are losing soo much still...
Hugs to you!