Doc came back with the results of the stress test. Apparently it wasn't favorable and they want to do a catheterization tomorrow and if blockage is found, they're going to do angioplasty and put in stents. If you could keep him in your thoughts and prayers for this procedure, I'd surely appreciate it. Also if you could say a word for me to keep up my strength. I'm tired, and feeling depression creeping in at this point *I think*. I really want to remain calm, and strong for him and my family. I'm a bit concerned about my milk supply and not sure if it really is lacking, if she's going through a growth spurt, if it's just stress related, or the fact that I've reduced my calories quite a bit. I'm trying not to stress too much because I know THAT can affect it. Anyway, I'm headed to the hospital now. Dad would like to shave and "get human" again, so I'm going to bring him his "beauty supplies".
Thanks and many hugs,

(deactivated member)
on 5/8/08 11:32 am
on 5/8/08 11:32 am
You got the prayers, Babe! Send them along with a kiss to your dad for me!
Thank God that you stuck to your guns on this one and made the hospital complete more tests. You've done such a great thing right there. Glad to hear that you're trying to find balance, calm, and comfort at this uncertain time. BUT... as uncertain as tomorrow's outcome could possibly be... in your worse fears... your dad is in the best of situations. You did not take him home! He's going to be monitored and treated immediately. Shaking the stress is an uphill battle that you're going to have to fight. I feel that your core strength far outweighs your depression. You seem very loving and grounded and that is what you can focus on... and bringing that feeling to your dad is probably just what he needs from you too.
MY RX: Smooch 2 kisses into the palm each of his hands so that he has them with him tonight and tomorrow. Tell him that he might need them and now he has a few extras. These kisses never go away, Shawn. Believe me on this one; I know.

Shawn, I'm so sorry to read about your dad's poor health right now. You and he absolutely have been added to my prayers! I'm so sorry you are also having to worry about your milk supply...just do the best you can and Sydnie will be fine.
It sounds encouraging that your dad is interested in shaving and getting 'human' again...that must be the male version of the old 'lipstick test'...where doctors know when their female patients are doing better because they ask for their lipstick.
Many hugs and prayers for you!

Aw Shawn.. do you think this is related to the black stool? not sure how this would go together? But at least they found it and it didn't go overlooked! All because of you! Whew.. glad they found it and I will surely surely be praying for you and your dad. I can imagine how stressful this is.. I have such terrible anxiety myself, id have a hard time holding it together. May the Lord watch over you, your dad and your family during this time and give you the courage and the strength you need to get through this.. I ask this in his name.. amen
I had to say it outload.. i hope you don't mind. You can call me anytime.. i saw you say on the other post you may take me up on that. I am here for you always my friend. PM me if u need to call tomorrow.. ok? I should be in and out.. doing some gardening and things.. but will always have time for a friend in need. Love you lots. *HUGS* I wish I was closer.

Hey Melissa. No, I don't think it's at all related, just maybe something ELSE that needed looking at. Everything went fine though and no angioplasty/stints were needed. My anxiety I thought was pretty much under control, but the longer he stays and the less answers they have, it's on the rise. They did another test today. A bleed scan?? He doesn't remember the name of it, but it's where they put the dye in and watch where and how the blood travels. So, depending on how that goes, he *might* go home tomorrow. They've been saying THAT for 5 days now, though. I'm most worried about my grandma though. She still works full time (or was until this went down) and she's 80. Even though she doesn't look her age and gets around well, it's wearing on her, I can tell. And that's her "baby" after all. Sorry I didn't message. I actually didn't have time. I hadn't realized the procedure was at 6am and that I'd have to be at the hospital at 5:30. Ugh, what a day that was. I'm taking today to try to rest, but it's not looking promising. Ah well. I'll message you anyway now.
Thanks again.

Well I am hoping and praying that all turns out well. I am glad to hear no angioplasty or stents needed.. whew. I can imagine no answers makes your anxiety heighten to new levels.. sigh. Wow, your grannie still working at 80, bless her heart. I hope she is doing ok.. hanging in there.. maybe its time for her to finally retire? I know sometimes older people (especially our grandparents generation) just don't stop and retire that easily. They have such work ethic don't they? amazing.. No worries about running out of time.. that is the story of my life. Here is is 4:14 and if i am not in the shower by 4, I am running like a mad woman to get to work.. lol so here I go!
I wanted to tell you though that I am thinking and praying for you and your family.. hang in there my friend. We are here to support u, hug you and listen to you.. always. You always have a safe place to come.. right here with open arms.. ready to hug you always.