before and after and checking in
Hi guys how is everyone?
I am one week and a day post op and feel pretty good, still having some pain, but not bad. I had one drain taken out yesterday and the stiches in my eyes out. The other drain comes out on Friday. I didn't have a whole lot of brusing, but I am holding on to about 8 lbs water weight....yuch I feel like a stuffed piggy. I posted 3 before and afters on my profile but you have to be a friend just for that album, they are in a seperate album then my regular one. Just add me as I friend and I'll check back later. I haven't felt like sitting by the computer much cuz my lower back is soooo strained. Good thing I did all those lower back excercises!!!
Take care everyone and talk to you soon....
Hugs, Erin
Hi Diana, how are you? I am down 3 lbs today and some of the swelling is going down. I am still not happy with that left nipple and I think I will be adressing that with my surgeon. Ran a fever last night, but better today. Dr office said if I still have one later then they'll give me antibiotics....
Otherwise doing well...
take care, Erin
Erin you are looking terriffic for someone who is one week ps!!! My goodness girl, if you look that great and are swollen I can't even imagine how thrilled you are going to be when it all goes down. What wonderful results you have gotten and congratulations for coming so far!
Hi Molly, I swear I posted a reply yesterday, Thank you soo much for your compliments. Some of the swelling has gone down. I have been fighting an infectiion somewhere, so my doc put me on antibiotics. I have had the chills, body aches, and fever. Feeling a little better now. Will get my last drain out on Monday so I'll take some more pics then. Have a great weekend sweetie