I'm back for a bit
Hi friends. I've been absent for a while. My daughter got Guillain Barre Syndrome in January and is now staying with us during her recovery. Her husband and 2 small children are also with us. Soooo, there is no time to do anything. She is basically paralyzed by this dreaded disease and we're waiting for her nerves to regenerate so she can do physical therapy and recover.
My weight has been steady now. It fluctuates a pound or two up or down. I have lost about 175 pounds and will be very happy to stay at the weight I'm at now. I find myself resorting to some junk foods at night as a comfort. I really have to get past this because that is what got me in trouble before the surgery.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and see how you all are doing.
Kathi, I'm so glad your daughter is out of danger now and on the road to recovery. I will keep you all in my prayers...this must be very difficult for all of you. You have to be very, very proud of yourself to keep your weight stable throughout all of the struggles you've had recently. And of course, what a great mom you are to step in and help when your daughter and her family need it so much. God bless you all.
(deactivated member)
on 4/30/08 1:55 pm
on 4/30/08 1:55 pm
Hi, Kathi...So glad that you've come to visit us again, especially since you are "fighting the urges" to snack for comfort. Your daughter and family are in my prayers. Hoping for signs soon that her muscles are in the process of regeneration / healing. I can't imagine your stress; (((((BIG HUG))))) is the best I can offer and lots of prayers
You've done so well for so long under SO many changes and stresses. Please visit us more. Even if it's just to chat or post your Eats. It may provide a mini-break that you need now.
As for how I'm doing? Well, I talked DH into helping me figure out who hasn't posted to the Adding Up thread. It may have seemed like a well intended at the time, but now I feel that I should have left the few remaining members alone. I am usually not that forward and could use some "friend-making" classes. Sometimes we learn a lesson a bit too late. Just wanting to see the Dec MB "grow" and remain active was the intent. Maybe I should have taken a "nap" instead! Good Night, Kathi, my friend... Le'ts both get some needed rest!
Blessing Coming Your Way....