Got Kitties!
Hi! I'm sorry I've been absent the last few has been hectic. We got our kitties and they really weren't truly ready to be separated from their mom so now we are doing some hand feeding and spending a lot of time mothering them. They are absolutely adorable little furballs. I managed to get them to be still long enough to weigh them...the little boy weighs 8.6 oz. and the girl is 8.9. I love having a glass scale, it is so accurate (and will sterilize beautifully)! LOL
Going to be busy, busy, busy till they are a little better established here and can be left alone (and will leave US alone) more. I'm trying to keep my eats logged but it's been tough. In case I miss the weigh-in tomorrow I'm up from 134 to 135 so that brings our group total down a bit, sorry. I know it's the pms. There's some water gain as well as some overeating carbs going on here. Working hard to keep it under control. Even bought some evening primrose capsules to try in addition to my daily magnesium. Supposed to be good for pms... :shrub: We'll see...
As soon as I can find my camera I'll take more pics of the babies. We have plenty of them on our cell phones but no program to get the pics onto the computer and don't have web access set up with the phones. (I know, how old-foagie are we?)
Have a great week and I hope to see you soon!
Molly, fur-baby-mama
You know me, it's all about the furbabies! Grats, Mommy Molly. Can't wait to see them.
I have to update and add the two new additions to our menagerie. Yes, another 2 rescues, putting us at 11 cats (one is pregnant, pray for 1 or 2 babies!) and a parrot.
I'm gonna open a cat zoo and charge admittance. "Come pet the cats.. watch them rove and play in the backyard!"
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/08 7:32 pm
on 4/16/08 7:32 pm
Ah, Lady Heather... Me thinketh one pretty maiden hath not placed newest royality within mine proper view! Best attempt at some ren-faire lingo... me needeth to brush upon mine recall before all is lost... Plain English: Where are the pics, Love?
So you are the official "Cat Lady" of our MB? DH said that I'd be one once he "kicks-off". LOL My Peach is still to old and tough to let another cat enter here, but with age has come a more loving side to the old Tom.
I keep getting hooked on orange Toms... gather that they are the one's that generally show up at the backdoor.
BTW... Your kitties look way too groomed to be outside cats! How do you keep them so beautiful. Is it a group thing that they have going... you lick my back, etc.
PS: Darn seagull bombed me at the beach in Florida! I freaked... then SIL commented that she was amazed that it totally missed her... a couple of time this was said... as if in amazement... as I scrub myself of the vial poop!
Looking for Molly & Heather's kitty shots soon!!!! Ro
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/08 7:49 pm
on 4/16/08 7:49 pm
Now... What's up with your BROTHER!!!! Raaahhhh! OK, I guess if he's YOUR bro he must be OK. He sure likes to change their names. The worst comment that I've heard lately about cats is "Flat Top; No Brains"! That is just so silly because they are smart enough to have us wrapped around their little "fingers". I love my cat.

(deactivated member)
on 4/16/08 7:44 pm
on 4/16/08 7:44 pm
Molly... They earlier pics were so cute! Maybe you could take picks in front of a growth chart...placed on the floor molding so that we can see them stretch into their cat bodes. Aren't Siamese cats "talkers". I've heard this, but am not sure.
Are you taking off time to "nurse" the babes? There may be a clause at work that allows you to bring them in with you... To keep them warm and cozy, I suggest the left cup / right cup sleep arrangements... like a hammock close to Momma's heart.
You might want to wear "blossoms" to protect the "goods" from a well meaning nip.
It has been years since I've had a real baby cat. I'd like to have 2 kitties someday, but you know what that would mean... no more Peach. I love him too much to make the swap.
Sometimes I think that I like cats better than people, but don't rat me out to the shrinks!
Kiss their bellies for me!