It's Here...Wednesday Weigh-In!'s a sad day when the medical profession starts looking at it's patients as "jobs" instead of people. Your patients are very lucky in that they have such a caring person CARING for them.
I'm doing "ok". I'm still in the process of figuring out my life. LOL! Still trying to rid myself of toxic relationships, and deciding just what it is I'm going to do about my marriage and some other things. Sydnie is great! She eats like a champ but is still so little. I am so lucky to have her. The boys ADORE her and are so willing to help, so I'm thankful there as well.
Thank you for the card!! The mail hasn't run today, but I'm sure it will be here, so I thank you ahead of time!! I'll put it in her baby book with the others (once I make I'll be making a post later with updated pics of her. I have a couple with Terisa and her and Sammy *We had lunch together on Thursday*, but I don't want to assume it's ok for me to post them without her permission. And thank you...I too think she's an angel. I just sit and stare at her sometimes...I can hardly believe she's mine.
You have my support ANY time, and believe me, I think I've got a great idea how much it means, if it means half of what I feel about you all and your support here.
Enjoy your weekend!! *hugs to you!
Yeah it is sad when it is that way but it is unfortunately.. People have to distance themselves so they don't get too hurt which I do understand especially in areas of high stress like ER, critical care, etc.
I am glad you are hanging in there.. I hope you get all things figured out soon and let me know if I can listen or help in any way.
I hope the card makes it to you, I sent it last week early part I think.. let me know if it doesn't!! The pics that I saw on Terisa's profile are just adorable
Thanks for your support.. you enjoy your weekend as well sweetie! *hugs*

(deactivated member)
on 4/10/08 12:26 am
on 4/10/08 12:26 am
NOW .... You know that's not TRUE!!!
You'd be on YouTube so fast that your Boobs would be a blur in the photo!
This group should really meet some where and go SKINNY-DIPPING!
Could you imagine that... we'd look like a bunch of 90-year-old gals strutting our "stuff"'... or a least letting it wiggle in the water.
The PS Dec. Babes could take a video! I'm sure that MySpace would be another forum for this show. Girls Gone Wild would pay for us to NOT show it... and then we could start a "PS Fund"... which is what we are all really dreaming about... right after winning the Lottery!
Love ya, Ro