What did you eat and how did you move--Tuesday
Hi Gang! We have been pretty quiet here the last few days but I'm sure we were all eating something or other. I've chowed plenty and may not have a happy weigh-in tomorrow. Oh well, I'll deal with it. Luckily i still get panicky when I hit a certain point and then try to consciously eat better even if I'm having pms cravings or exhaustion eating. Getting back to my routine this week is hard but it will kick in pretty quick. Moves for me were work today and then some panic cleaning at home waiting for a window-estimate guy. Here's eats:
--nf, sf soy latte
1) homemade protein bar
2) bran muffin
3) Oh yeah bar, both pieces
4) 1/4 serving of chicken cordon bleu casserole, 4 asparagus spears, 1 sf hunts pudding, 2 tiny wedges of 'quesadilla' (made very lowcarb)
5) 1/2 cup carrots, 1/2 cup homemade granola
--sf soy latte
calories: 1220
carbs: 134
fats: 50
prot: 79
fiber: 42 (food plus supps.)
Carbs are pretty high due to the homemade prot. bar AND the muffin. Well, I don't feel guilty about it since I am pmsing pretty bad and they were good healthy choices.
Tomorrow should be a nice, easy day at work and I'm looking forward to getting home early and having some quality time with my treadmill. Do you have any great plans? Have a great week and good luck with your weigh-in's tomorrow morning!
(deactivated member)
on 4/8/08 11:46 pm
on 4/8/08 11:46 pm
I had my Dr appts today and basically things went OK.
The labs will be back in about 2 weeks.
Now... About MOVES...
Yes, there was a lecture... nuf said?
Walking about 30 - 45 minutes everyother day (at least)
Small Weights in 3 reps of 15 to start (ASAP)
No Excuses!!!!
(moaning and butt-kicking feeling)
Not so happy... eventhough it's just common sense...

(deactivated member)
on 4/9/08 9:37 am
on 4/9/08 9:37 am
So the darn January Labs had my Vitamin A at "zero"... so they were increased to 3 caps a day (30,000 units). The July # was only 19, but 50 would have been more like it. So I'm having that retested to see if it was an error or I have a problem. 30,000 is a lot if you don't have a problem, but mine was low so I'm not too upset... just have to wait 2 weeks for the new dosage! Thanks for the good wishes... smooch... Ro