What did we eat and how did we move--Friday?
Well this is of course late but why not post it anyway? I'm still pms'ing pretty hard and the chocolate is still a problem but not as bad as some months. This past week I've made sure to have some safer chocolate alternativees in the house so if I do go off plan and need it, it isn't so guilt-producing. I'm glad to have foods available for that kind of peace of mind. It took a whole week, but I ate a batch of Melissa's Protein Fudge as well as drinking plenty of decaf soy latte's with some sf chocolate in them and also ate a bag (one piece at a time!) of Hershey's whole bean chocolate which has splenda but no sugar alcohols.
Working on the Beck Diet Solution book is proving to be very thought-provoking and fun at times. Thank you, Melissa, for another great reading suggestion!
For moves yesterday, I did abwork on the swiss ball but no cardio.
Here's yesterday's eats:
1) 1 pumpkin cc waffle, 2 turkey sausage links, 1/4 c sf polaner blueberry syrup AND coffee---I know, bad but this is my choice for my treat
2) oh yeah wafer....both bars
3) 4 oz. turkey jerkey, 1/2 cup Special K prot. plus cereal
4) 2 pieces Melissa's prot. fudge
5) 2 pieces Hershey's whole bean choc.
6) 1 cup Michelle's Cordon Bleu casserole, 7 skinny asparagus spears
calories: 1075
carbs: 98
fats: 42
prot.: 94
fiber: 32 (food plus supp.)
These numbers are EXCELLENT!
I nomally have a hard time getting my fats up in a healthier range but did great yesterday.
How was your Friday and how is your Saturday going so far? I am going to a wedding tonight and feel sorry for the bride...she had probably imagined a beautiful spring wedding and here it is snowing again. Looks like we'll get about 4". It is prob. my fault...I took the sandbags out of my car yesterday. Guess I should get a little upper body work today and put them back.

(deactivated member)
on 4/5/08 1:25 pm
on 4/5/08 1:25 pm
Hi, Molly & All...
Excellent #S!!!
Hope that you
the night away & have a great Weigh-in!
My weight is "up" a bit JUST in time for my Dr / Nut appts...
Hopefully, the Labs will look better this time. Taking 6 Calciums at different times plus the other pills is really a pain in the A$$. So why didn't I exercise???
Melissa's listing on Wed's Weigh-in really hit home with me. I have one more item to add... SLEEP! Mel, can't imagine that you get enough either!!! Today DH said that there was an article about sleep helping weight loss.
Here's my Eats:
B: tomato soup with salsa, 1/2 oz Tostitos, 1 oz 2% cheddar, mixed salad
L: 1 oz 2% cheddar, 2 oz tuna salad, 1/2 wheat pita, mixed salad
D: 2 oz chicken, 2 oz refried beans, 3 oz artichoke hearts with breadcrumbs and oil
S: 3 oz carrots, 1/2 oz 2% cheddar, 3 pretzel sticks
Saturday Calories: 928 Fats: 37 Carbs: 96 Protein: 59
Weekly Average: 1138 Fats: 45 Carbs: 132 Protein: 65
On to the NEXT SparkPeople week... Sunday through Saturday for me!!!
(((hugs))) Ro