Truley Amazing Group
Well I am truely blessed that I had surgery Dec 06. Because this has got to be the greatest group to be involved with. Thanks for all the support. I have been lurking, never left the site always reading the posts just not posting myself. Anyway you understand why so we will not keep whining. I have to get tough and do what I am suppose too. Thanks everyone who postd back to me. Especially thanks to Melissa and Molly who never give up on me and always have been there. Thanks to all the rest who have commented because it is your strength too that focuses me. I know i have to get back on track, Especailly protien I have been reading and most of you still do at least two shakes a day. I had stopped doing them regularly maybe one a day. Not good. I will work hard to reach my goal!!!!! I needed you all and there you are thanks and I am here for you guys too thanks so very much Kelly
Way to go Kelly, glad you are feeling like being back in control and making your postop journey the best it can be! That's great, its the first step.. the decision. now its time for action girl and you know just what to do! I am rooting for you 300%! It *CAN* be done, if I can pull myself out of carb monster hell as bad I was going through it, trust me.. anyone can do it. I was hogging down on 200-300grams of carbs a day - dumping and having 4-6 low blood sugar episodes a day, all which have subsided now that i am on track.. I never thought I would see the light again.. honestly I was sucked that far in. It was very very bad.. I had to do protein drinks for a few days to detox then went to shakes/protein/veggies/low fat dairy and a few beans here and there.. maybe some berries thats it.. Ok I mighta had a vitamuffin but otherwise I cut out all bready carbs, I had to and right now I am a little afraid of them other than protein bars and even those I have to limit.. its scary for me. If I do two shakes a day I know I am getting protein, vitamins and they keep my blood sugar stable (something we all need to be working on, diabetic or not) this keeps cravings at bay.. they may not be phsyically FILLING per say on the pouch for a long time but chemically the keep you even.. to me is more important than feeling FULL on the pouch. To each his own on that though. Keep moving, be honest, journal, drink only between meals and noncalorie items unless its milk and count it towards your intake.. u can do it.. way to get real and honest with yourself.. your december babies want to see you succeed and we will never judge you.. this group is too wonderful and compassionate, loving for that.. that's why we all come back here.. its our "safe haven". Please stay in touch, being here has helped me so much!
Hugs! Have a great and healthy weekend!
love ya! Melissa
HI Kelly
I agree on what you said about the Dec group. I have been having a really hard time. I say to myself I am not going back to the boards as I am failing then I come back and read a post and think ok I am not alone!!! Melissa's post this week could not have come on a better day. I am sorry she had a hard time and got off track but it is nice to know I am not the only one struggling. I look forward to knowing you better and good luck

HI Kelly
I agree on what you said about the Dec group. I have been having a really hard time. I say to myself I am not going back to the boards as I am failing then I come back and read a post and think ok I am not alone!!! Melissa's post this week could not have come on a better day. I am sorry she had a hard time and got off track but it is nice to know I am not the only one struggling. I look forward to knowing you better and good luck

Thanks and me too, I will add you to my firends list thanks so very much! I am here to support you too so keep in touch with your progress too. I of course had my surgery in Dec 06 and I know I should be closer to my goal. I have been stuck at same weight for months. I can not break the cycle I am at 229. Go up one come down one. Weird. I need 15 more pounds to break my 100 pounds lost and about 50 to 60 more to reach goal!!! I do not eat correctly I am sure and i have only been doing one shake per day if that so IT is my own fault. But today I will begin right and make this work. As Dr always tells me i have only now to do this there is no going back, Thanks for writing and good luck to you too let me know how you are doing Kelly
(deactivated member)
on 4/4/08 9:41 am
on 4/4/08 9:41 am
Glad that you made it home, Kelly.... Welcome Back.... Even with your lapse from the Dec MB, Kelly, you look wonderful... so you must be doing something right!
Keep up the good work... and I'd love to know what types of reactions you all have been getting after losing so much weight. Do people walk past you on the street and then do a double take, when they recognize your "eyes" or you say Hello?
Just want to ask you and the Dec. Babes... Do people recognize you? Are they surprised? Sometimes I look at the pictures and have to readjust my brain... this is Melissa (now).... Mini-me (now...BTW, please update that pic!)... Beatriz (now)... It is boggling.
You know we are really great people that many others just didn't pay much attention to before... but we've always been here (under the layers of weight)... so who changed the most .... attitiudes do matter in the world. I just wish that I / we were given the same encouragement and friendliness... at whatever weight we were.
Hello and thanks for the encouragement and the compliments. I love when people notice the change but I also notice some people namely my brother try not to notice because I feel he is embarassed and thinks if he says something that he will be saying he thought I was fat even though I was extremeley overweight i think it makes him uncomfortable to comment about weight does that make sense. He chooses to ignore the situation. My mother had to ask him did he notice, he had not seen me since the loss we live in diferent states . He said i looked great but seemed uncomfortable just asked if I was feeling good. Weird but that;s my brother. I have had some people say is that you or i did not reconogize you! My sister saw me last summer. I did not tell them I had surgery just wanted to surprise them when i went home to visit and she looked at me and said "You ARE pretty"? i loved the compliment but it also said she did not like the way i looked heavy. So it is odd hearing how diferent people react!!!! thanks for being there Kelly
Hi Kelly - Sorry I did not respond to your first post. I am so sorry for the spine issue you are suffering from. I will most certainly say some prayers for you. Don't feel too bad about the protein drinks. I do not drink them at all anymore. I actually like them, but my surgeon wants me to get protein from food and not the drinks. I actually dump if I do not get in enough food and try to drink protein instead.
I am really glad that you decided to post. It is ok to be a lurker, you can still get support from that and no doubt you certainly can relate to all of the things we all go through. I hope you can post a little more often if you are up to it. You are right about this group, it is absolutely the greatest group and we would love it if you could share with us more often. Even if not, we are always here for you
Take care!! ~ Terisa