Anybody Tried This?
After reading about this in a few different places I am getting close to buying one of these. Does anybody here have it? From looking at it at Wallyworld it looks just like a blender with a heating attachment in the base. I'm thinking that I don't know if I love the frothiness of drinks enough to spend the money. Hmm...I do have a Braun hand blender/stick thingy that will froth too. But should we really be having all those bubbles in our pouchies?
Read the thread if you have time and give me an opinion:
Does his cocoa stay foamy and bubbly till it is gone or do they go down pretty fast? Also...what do you think of doing your standard latte recipe in it. The one you used to make before you got your Senseo? I'm a little leery of using it for hot protein because it seems all my hot proteins except the Nectar latte cappuccino turn out lumpy. It seems to do more with the brand of protein and not the type of blending. Some brands can take the heat and some can't. What do you think?
That's how I do it too. I must be using too hot of water/coffee or milk when I do the add-in, that's all I can think of. So I'm guessing this little coffee pot thing doesn't make really scorching hot liquid which would be good huh?
Actually I do need to head to Wally's to get a little more of the polka dot fabric i was cutting out today...turns out I didn't have enough. So I guess I'll have to look at that little coffee maker again.
Making the CUTEST aprons...they are a contrast of black w/pink dots and pink w/black dots. I also have the same fabrics but in a brown/turquoise and also a pink/lime green combo. Ok, so not only am I a protein and syrup ho I'm definitely a fabric ho too. Lord...that one really is the worst. My sewing room is packed.
OMG Molly.. PINK and BLACK is my favorite combo.. Ok I am gonna go on a limb and ask.. how much would u sell one to me for? Yes, I am gonna pay for it. Give me a price and let me know if you are willing to sell one. I would love one that is black with pink dots! Gosh ALL the colors sound fabulous!
As for the cocoa machine.. i don' think it gets too awfully hot.. just hot enough. I have used it once.. can't remember exactly but thinking not too hot, its a neat contraption.
I gotta get them sewn first, down girl! LOL But, go to the Butterick website and check out the pattern I'm using: 4945. View D but I am adding the pockets from C and the little collar from B. The basic part of the body is one colorway and the other pieces (straps, flounce, pockets, collar) will all be the contrast. Doesn't it sound cute? I have them all cut out now (the black and pink anyway ) and can start playing with it today. It may be too busy to have the pockets contrasting..I'll see as I go.
Did I mention I'm excited about being a new kitty mommy? LOL Three weeks you have to endure me being excited and then you have to suffer through me bragging about our new babies...I feel so sorry for you! (baby pictures)