Weirdest feeling this morning...I got a panicky feeling like if I didn't eat some protein RIGHT NOW something bad was going to happen. Almost like a non-hungry panic attack. Strange. Have you ever had that happen? All I'd had up to that point was my soy latte and then some regular coffee w/creamer so it was definitely time to eat but I wasn't actually hungry or even shaky.
I ended up having 2 strips of turkey bacon chopped up into 1/4 cup egg beaters and I was so panicky that I could have literally just drank the egg beaters. Can't recall ever having experienced *that* before. (yuck!) Ate that and then still felt like I need more protein so I had a Power Crunch bar that I got at Super Supplements yesterday. (cookies and cream one, not bad)
Now I feel calmed down but very puzzled. ???