MIA quick update
orry I've been MIA, my internet has been down, or up and down, or whatever so I've not been able to get on. It's working (for the moment) but I'm pretty sure I can expect it to go out again.
Quick update...
I've finished my 5 rounds of iron infusions and my numbers continue to drop. Doc does not like this, so at my next OB appt. (Tuesday) we're going to discuss and schedule induction. Most likely for next weekend. I also tested positive for GBS, so my "plan" to do most of my labor at home is shot. In addition, I'm tired, I'm cranky, I hate my husband (some of it pregnancy related) and currently am planning on delivering alone in the hospital (except of course for the medical staff). He can be at the hospital, but I want him no where near me. Hormonal?? Maybe...LOL.
Anyway, that's all aside from I have to try to clean my carpets before next weekend. Mom went to Vegas for 2 weeks and I had the honor of dog sitting her geriatric dog who crapped on the stairs and in the kitchen and proceeded to drag it all through the house. I've spot cleaned and refuse to "clean" clean it until the dog leaves on Sunday. Also have to scramble and get homework in for my class if I'm being induced next weekend.
Hugs to all,
Diana, thank you for your post. It helps to know someone is sympathetic.
Unfortunately for me, I have chosen not to really have friends (not close ones anyway) and my family is well...we won't even go there. LOL!! I hadn't thought of the doggie diapers, though knowing this dog, she'd chew them off and eat them. She likes to get into the garbage and eat the toilet paper and other feminine products...tmi, I know. So I have no doubt that she'd eat those.
Thanks again Diana, and I hope your weekend is great!

Terisa, from the top, middle, and bottom of my heart, I thank you. I honestly DID think of you, but thought, #1 we've never met in person, so how do you ask someone do to something so personal, #2 you have your own family to worry about and it's such an unpredictable amount of time, #3 the drive. HOWEVER, if you feel it's something you REALLY WANT to do, I would love it...well, as much as any woman in labor can love anything. I must warn you, I'm not a pretty laborer. I have my appt. on Tuesday at 10:30, so we will (or should at least) know when she wants to schedule for and I can let you know then. I'm going to guess it will be Thursday night/Friday morning...though I can't be certain.
The weird thing is, I really am ok with being by myself. Of course I say that now...LOL. I don't know...maybe I'm just withdrawing because I'm under so much stress??? Or maybe it's because with my other deliveries, I felt I had to "entertain" the people that were there. I've always had a room full of people and they'd all be yacking away at each other and I just wanted to scream at them to shut up. Not looking forward to that again...in fact, I'm thinking of not telling anyone until it's over, and even then, I'm not so sure. LOL!! Anyway, please do call. My internet is up for now, but who knows how long that will be for.
Talk to you soon!

(deactivated member)
on 3/7/08 8:03 am
on 3/7/08 8:03 am
Hi, Shawn... Glad to hear that you are in good hands and that your baby girl is being monitored carefully. Sounds like you have had your share of problems this year and I can only wish and pray that everything else goes smoothly for you. The moodiness must be from all of the extreme stress that your body & mind has been going through. Seems like the "hubby syndrome" just gets caught-up in the end of most pregnancies, but you have a most unusual situation since your WLS. I cry through the births on TV so I am not volunteering for bedside help! DH is probably really hoping that you change your mind; guys love to see their babes delivered... plus... he can take great pics for you to share with us! LOL
Big Smooches....

Thanks for the smooches Ro, I can always use them. Long story about my husband which goes well beyond the "hubby syndrome", I really wish that's all it was....but it just adds to it.
I'm sure he is hoping I change my mind, and I KNOW he wants to be there to see it...the point is, I'd want him there for more than just that. I'd want support, but that's not in his nature. Never has been I suppose.
I'll be sure to post pics for everyone. Even if I have to take them myself...LOL.