Wednesday Weigh-In's!
My doctor gave me a goal of 185 and apprnelty she was right because I have been sitting right around that since December. My personal goal was 175, but I am happy here too. When I went to the PS last week she seems to think I have about 4-7 pounds of excess skin so that will get me close to personal goal. Now all I need is for insurance to com thru!!!
(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 12:53 pm
on 3/5/08 12:53 pm
I think it is impressive that our numbers continue to improve. Dec. members look better every month...the latest pics are beautiful. Seems like we are taking better care and caring more about our appearance too... all good things. Prior to surgery, I had really let myself "go"...drab clothes.. ditto on hair and make-up. That's changed. I hate the scale too... that's why I was surprised to see good numbers. My pants were fitting better so I got on the scale, which is stored away from sight. I love my food scale! Staying "near" goal will be the biggest challenge that I face from now on. Bet that you can relate to that feeling too!
I read a post on the RnY board about a week ago about the weight of skin removed by having a TT. Did anyone else see it? Some TT patients lost almost no weight, saying that skin doesn't weigh much. Only 1 or 2 women commented that they had modest weight loss, due to removal of additional fat... I guess...
As for the weight of implants...gee...can they really weigh that much???? Wouldn't they just start to sag again if they weigh that much? When we do go for PS, do we look for one that specializes in bariatric patients? Or just a surgeon with a good rep? Ro

Well, I've never had a pair of implants in my own hands but from watching ps shows on tv they look fairly hefty and are supposed to have the bounce and feel of regular tissue. (That comes out sounding pretty weird, sorry.) I don't have any worry about stretching since I had reduction surgery so many years ago and don't have very much sagging tissue, it is mostly empty skin. From looking at implant photos on the internet I can tell that I am easily an AA size now if not less.(Is there such a thing as AAA?) And the sad thing is that after my reduction, I was a small B. But I had asked to be made into a C cup...if I can get implants I think I will still go for that size. I think it would look nice on my 5'4" frame.
Congratulations on taking better care of yourself too...I see all of us doing that too. So many cute new haircuts, cute clothes...real pride! How nice that you have stuck with your food scale and got your pants to fit better without even looking at the bathroom scale. Good for you!
Sorry I didn't get back to you and others last night, we had a minor family 'crisis' with my daughter right in the middle of working on the computer. All is better now, I think, and I wanted to get back here and congratulate you on your good week. You said you are very busy, don't forget to take time out for yourself!