Wednesday Weigh-In's!
Hi it is, Wednesday weigh-in time again already. I have to post this quickly and then dash out the door to a dental appointment. Can someone think of a good question for our 'question of the week'? I'll come back and answer later. Here's the stats for me:
HW: 268
SW: 230
LW: 133 (or was it 132...can't remember and don't have time to look!)
CW: 132
So either it was no change or down one. Sheesh, you'd think I'd remember this stuff!
Gotta brush my teeth and grab the checkbook, it is gonna be $$$ today.

Hi Molly
I am kinda Boycotting my scale
Everytime I get on it is the same or a pound up or down. It makes me NUTS!!! I can tell I am losing inches as my clothes are fitting a lot loser so I need to get passed the "number" right now. I wore pants this week that were lose and have been tight!
I made it to 40 minutes this week on the Elipitacal and am THRILLED. I will post later this week if I get on but for now it is a no scale zone at my house!
I am planning on trying the 5 day again but not sure when.
I made black bean soup today for dinner and OMG it is WONDERFUL!! I found it on someones blog and ask for the recipe. If you like Black Beans and want the recipe I can post it.

(deactivated member)
on 3/5/08 7:15 am
on 3/5/08 7:15 am
Hi Everyone...I had a pleasant surprise this weigh-in, especially since I had a rough time last month.
As for a MB Question: What was the "goal" set for you by your Dr/Nut and what is your personal goal (pre- and post- PS)?
ANSWER: My original goal set by my Nut was 160 LB, which I thought was high for someone 5' 1.5" tall, who plans on PS. Now my personal goal pre-PS is 132 LB, but that's mostly because it would mark -200 LB. I really want to add some muscle tone so I know that that means added weight... 135 LB is probably only temporary for me. As for Post-PS, I'd like to weigh around 135... NOT! Make that 130 LB without any regain or struggling to maintain!!! Fantasy Weight... FW: might be a new catagory.
((((Repost from Sunday's Eats Thread..... February was a real roller coaster for me and included a lot of emotional eating. In the end, my monthly average was OK at 1082 calories... On Feb. 10, my son called me in Florida to tell me that his new GF is pregnant. The next week company came for 4 days. My Eats jumped from the 1000 range to 1236, 1328, 1880, and 1682. March should be calm, except for the return of my guests... so I hope to control my eating choices better this month. I have a sweet 1-year-old "grandson" from DH's oldest, who has a 2nd baby due in end August. My son's baby is due in Sept / Oct. Yes, I am looking forward to being a grandmother again. Ro))))
HW: 332+
SW: 274
LW on MB: 145 (January)
Monthly Weigh-in: 136.5 (2/6/08)
CW: 135
No reason for the Jan - Feb loss and PA at Nutritionist's office was fine with it.

Hi Ro! Thank you for the question(s). My surgeon's goal was 145 (I'm 5'4") and I was just fine with it but since my body wanted to keep going I was fine with that too. I never had a personal goal before but now my personal goal is 130 and feels nearly unachievable. Usually I get there around Thursday or Friday and then by Monday morning I'm back up again. ....le sigh...
Post PS I think my weight would be higher unfortunately. I can't afford to have any skin trimmed and what I need to afford is to get new 'girls' which will prob. add a couple of pounds apiece. Too bad they can't just trim up the extra skin and use IT to fill up my little empty boobies. LOL! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle????
Hi all
I don't remember my Dr. Giving me a goal per say he just said that with the surgery I should loose 70 % of my excess weight so with that I am 2 pounds away from his goal.
For my personal goal I would like to get to 170 to be somewhat satisfied but 150 I would probably wet my pants lol.
Hw: 340
sw: 330
lw: 192
have a blessed week
mini me