What did ya eat and how did ya move today? Thursday
Eat your dense or semi dense protein (what day are you on now?) BEFORE you go to the party so you won't have room for any of the junk they make at the party. They always manage to make the most sugary, fat-laden recipes at those parties! Just once I'd like to go to one where they are pushing their light cookbook instead.
Good luck and stay strong!

Ok everybody this is how it went down ok last night i worked late lastnight doing mountains of paper work and i had to actually start on my tax stuff
so thankfully i my day was free until the PAMPERED CHEFS PARTY (an invite i should have turned down and i will explain more later) well for breakfast i had 6 oz of shrimp that i had been marinating in asian toasted sesame seed salad dressing since Wednesday i got the days mixed up so i just had the shrimp today anywho i had shrimp and 2 cups of italian letuce mix .75oz T. Marzettis FF Raspberry Vinaigrette and .5 oz ranch dressing then it was time for the party it was in the afternoon so i go to the party and she said the demo was going to be taco salad so i didnt worry about eating before i went because i figured i would just eat the meat and i would be ok well it was actually bean dip with cheese, sour cream, tomatoes and some other stuff that was not awful but it was not for day 4 then and that is served with my favorite pita chips and a piece of apple spice cake ahhhhhhh the dip was less that 6 ozs and i had about 6 pita chips and it was only supposed to be a bite of cake but of course it didnt work like that i am really irritated that i have messed up twice and who knows what travesty tomorrow holds my mom is going to the 5 dpt with me i think week after next there is now way i could do it next week i am going to manage my insane PMS the way that Melissa said and i am going to try and hang tough for the rest of the day and tomorrow but this has been and disaster. You know since having my RNY i have noticed the things that trigger my eating like stress i never would have thought of myself as an emotional eater its crazy what you can learn about yourself you know dispite all of the mental prep you go through for WLS I think that for alot of people you still believe that this is going to be a quick fix and that it will be easy no matter how many people told me how hard it was i still deep down thought that it would be easier if i just couldnt eat as much but I screw up on the regular and it is so frustrating to feel like you dont have control over yourself and that you have done the ultimate of surgically altering your body and you still cant master food
I will give the final count tonight i still have dinner possibly Outback with friends and family.

Melissa, darlin' you say the nicest things! HUGS! I love your attitude about proteins, it really helps to read that yours are high and you are doing ok too. I don't know why I worry about them...like you I get in a lot of water too and my lab values are always excellent. During the time I was doing the 5dpt I didn't feel any great earth-shattering changes happening but my thinking sure changed. Now I'm so much more focused on protein and working hard to downplay the carbs in life.
The physical therapist told me she considers herself a meatatarian and I like that little title...that would be a good one for me to adopt so that it would steer me away from being a carbitarian.
Hey, since you mentioned PK's muffins...have you tinkered with that recipe at all? I was considering making them with chocolate protein powder once for a test. Just for a change. I know that on Sparkrecipes.com where they have that spice cake-and-canned pumpkin muffin recipe people have used choc. cake mixes too so that is a good combination. (BTW, man--my family loves that recipe!)
Other protein/pumpkin combinations I could try:
latte cappuccino/pumpkin
Hmm...maybe the latte cappuccino pumpkin, I dunno about the other.... Hate to waste a perfectly good can of pumpkin and all that protein in case it is icky. LOL
Gonna go get on my workout duds and get the pt exercises over with an then crank up the treadmill. I need to burn off some stress! (that and a sf bran muffin...lol!)