A few gripes and update
Hello fellow Dec buds.
Well I know you don't see me much and I am sorry for that. I just stay so busy and do not have a whole lot of time on the computer. I worked 63 hours last week, so a bit tired today. On the good side I feel good healthy, have tons of energy, am steady at 165 lbs(my dr goal was 160( but you know what..... I look a feel great so no big deal) am getting PS quotes now TT and Boobies for now, possibly my eyelids if I can afford it (maybe it will take off the last 5 lbs!!!). My surgery will be in August, hubby is taking a week off to help me and that's when I'll have another week of vacation. I do miss talking to everyone, but PC and me time are the last in line, you moms know what I mean. Anyway I wanted to say a few things and see if anyone has any feedback.
#1 this far out does anyone dump and generally feel sick after eating a meal?
I dump and eating meals sometimes make me neauseated. I try to eat the right things at meals and I still feel a little sick. I tend to just snack throughout the day instead of meals. I have had some episodes of reactive hypoglycemia, scary stuff.
#2 Stuff still getting stuck?
Happens to me 3-5 times a week, I have come to the conclusion that I will just have to live with it(had 2 stictures fixed already)
Well that's it just curious if anyone has these issues. For the most part I am happy that I did and would not change a thing!!!
Bye guys....Erin
HI Erin! It is great to hear from you again and I'm so happy you are busy living out your life even if that means less time for us here. Our surgeries were all about that, right? We want increased quality of life!
For your questions...yes, I still dump and it is still very irregular. Never can tell what is going to do it..fats, artificial sweeteners, natural sweeteners, carbs. It's a cr*pshoot. Probably not more than two or three times a month, though. I do try to be careful and not eat anything too quickly on a really empty pouch. (That seems to be a pretty good trigger for it.)
Stuff is still getting stuck when I don't pay attention and it is almost always CHICKEN. If I behave and remember to always add some sort of sauce to it, no trouble. When I think I'm bullet-proof and go without...it gets stuck for painful hours on end. But, I'd rather know that things are tight enough in there that chicken can bind together on itself and get stuck than knowing it is all sailing right down the drain smoothly. A mixed blessing.
So sorry to hear about your reactive hypoglycemia. That is a tough problem to deal with, hope you will be able to find some balance to control it. Are you still working with your surgeon or with your PCP on it?
Good luck with your PS in August. Hope you will pop in here from time to time before then and give us some updates, we don't want to go that long without seeing your beautiful self!
Hugs for you!

Erin, Welcome back!
#1---No, I do not dump and generally do not feel sick after meals. I do eat very small amounts of suggary things at one sitting(like 1 or 2 spoonfuls of a dessert) and have not had any problems.
#2-No food getting stuck either.
At this stage of the game I feel I can eat pretty much what I want as long as I do it in small quantities.
BTW, I just had a hernia repaired and panni removed, thank goodness insurance paid for most of but I the PS told me it would cost around $7500.00 for a breast lif with implants. I am having that done in Colombia sometime this summer where it would only cost about $3000.00
Take care,
Hi Bea,
Well I am glad you don't dump b/c it is not fun. I think I dump because like Melissa posted before I was really close to becoming a diabetic before surgery. So my pancreas is confused!!!!
Way to go with the surgery, I need to call my ins co and see what the guidelines are for skin removal. I really don't have a whole lot but enough to get a TT. I let you guys know when I'm scheduled, thanks for your support sweetie

Hey Erin, as per your suggestion I went looking for info on reactive hypoglycemia. Wow, interesting! Either I have had this for a long time and never knew it or I have Phil Donahue Syndrome (you know, reading about the latest disease-of-the-day and thinking you have it ). Absolutely amazing to think all those symptoms could really be the hypoglycemia. It makes me more determined to keep control of the carb monster!
Thank you and hope you keep it under control.
Hi Erin! I miss you! Congrats on your weight loss and so glad to see you are "shopping" for plastics, how exciting for you! That is so great that hubby will be helping you!
#1 I do dump on sugar.. seems I can handle about 12-15 grams and anything more.. dump city. I also get reactive hypoglycemia terrible.. even too many good carbs.. plummet.. everytime. I do it badly. I eat oatmeal.. drop. Apple.. drop. White carbs FORGET IT.. will drop at the drop of a hat. My doc said that our pancreas thinks for those of us that were diabetic preop that out pancreas is still trying to figure things out and thinks it needs to pump out that much insulin still when it doesn't so it "overshoots" and we end up low.. I wake up many nights feeling "hot" and sweating like mad.. I don't even take it anymore.. I know its low and have to eat to get back up. I have to eat 5-6 times a day to keep it normal (blood sugar). have for a long time now. Yes it is scary and so sorry you are going through this.. my heart goes out to you, its the worst thing post RNY for me.. even over dumping and i hate that pretty well too.
#2 I had some apple peel get hung when I was eating it on the way home from work but let me tell you.. i wasn't paying any attention prolli chewed two times and swallowed.. dumb.. otherwise no never..
don't have your stoma dialated whatever u do as long as u can still eat ok.. if its bothering u then definently see someone but having it dialated I think would be a wrong move as long as you are doing ok for the most part with eating. People stoma's tend to relax over time ya don't want assistance making this happen if at all possible. I would much rather having things getting hung a few times a week then have a big stoma and have no satisfaction with the surgery. I don't get as full as some of you.. so let me just say.. stick with what ya got if you can.. sorry its happening tho.
Glad things are well otherwise.. keep in contact!
I miss you too Melissa,
you my dear have the reative hypo much worse that me, I have only had a few episodes, but never at night. But you were on insulin pre surgery right??
Yes it is scary and manageable.
I definitly am not doing anything about my stoma it is doing what it suppose to do so I will live with it especially since I can fit into my size 8 pants!!!! Maybe 6's after my plastics!!!
Have a wonderful weekend and big hugs to you too honey!!
Hi Erin!! I love hearing from you! No, I was not on insulin. I was diagnosed just 6 mos prior to my surgery, I figured it out myself when I started checking my sugars after work. I was drinking tons of water and was dry mouthed, peeing a lot and flushed feeling and tired.. I just knew I had it.. yep I did. I would guess I prolli had it at least a year before that based on the way I felt. I hate the hypoglycemia.. its horrible to deal with. I am lucky to go a day without dropping once. Yesterday was one of those days, getting back to my plan helps immensely. I hear people talking about these drastic surgeries (partial pancreatectomies) just 1 year postop .. i don't wanna go there! I will seek the advice of an endocrinologist that understrands WLS if it doesn't get better in a few months. I hope it will.. it makes eating "on plan" hard sometimes.. which is frustrating when you are trying to work out and eat the "right way" with the right calories.
Congrats on your size 8's! I am sure you will be a 6 post plastics, that is awesome!! *HUGS*