Wednesday Weigh-In's!
HW 265
SW 240
LW 192.5
CW 188.5 (was 186)
Now before anyone goes yelling at me for weight loss, it's completely due to dehydration from the stomach flu this week. *sigh* Thankfully I've been able to regain some of it. I'm still a tad bit dehydrated, but I'm working on it.
My deal was to throw out all my junk food. Which I Chips, chips, chips, candy, chips and candy. Bad, I know...but I'm nearing the end of this pregnancy and it's time. Baby got most of what it needs, I need to balance it out even if I can only eat tiny amounts at this point. My motivation is that at 35 weeks pregnant, I'm only 6 lbs heavier than my first OB visit. Considering a normal weight gain for pregnancy is 25-35 lbs, if I maintain this weight, it's that much LESS I have to lose post partum. I don't want to be packing it all on now.

Oh yuck, stomach flu. You poor thing!!! You have really done AMAZINGLY this whole pregnancy and we are all cheering you on as you get toward the end of it. Good for you throwing out all the junk food.
Hope you can regain a little weight in the coming weeks. Not too much but enough to make your doctor happy.

Thank you so much Molly. I'm really trying to put things into perspective as far as the weight thing goes. As huge as I feel and think I am...people are telling me how much thinner I look. Honestly at 5 feet tall, 188 lbs is ALOT...even while pregnant. BUT I'm STILL under my starting weight with my youngest. It's just so strange. It's hard to wrap my brain around the fact that if I lose just 25 lbs post partum, I'll weigh in the 150's. I haven't seen that number in over 12 years...I'm now sitting here with tears in my eyes. The thought is so overwhelming in a good way. I've failed at so much, to think that something would be successful for's just a great blessing. One of my biggest fears though is weight gain post partum. That has been the norm for me, but my surgeon says that having the surgery corrected that problem and I'll be fine. I do so hope that's true!!
Thanks again so much for all of your encouragement. You have no idea how much it means to me!
Hi Sawneena, I have missed you! So glad the pregnancy is doing well.. good for you to throw all that junk out. I had to do the same thing after being on the cruise.. god what ruts we can get into when we let ourselves faulter eh? I am proud of you for taking action! Sometimes we just have to "regroup". Try this book if you haven't... "The Beck Soultion Diet". It's about the mind.. nothing to do with eating.. i love it. It has opened my eyes WIDE OPEN! It also has a workbook and do believe there is some stuff online too, try google searching..
I think you have done AWESOME with your weight during your pregnancy and I am totally going to come to you for advice when I get pregnant and I do think for myself I will seek the advice of a nutritionist to follow me through the entire journey on a monthly basis.. not just for nutritional needs but to keep my arse in line.. I will need it I have a feeling.
Good to see you posting, you are a doll
I love your latest pictures! When is baby due again?

I actually am THRILLED even thought I am 2 pds more then 2 weeks ago. I was up to ALOT this week (248) AND I am down from that so I am HAPPY!!!
I am SO HOPING I can get under 240 this week. I have been stuck in the "40s" for MONTHS. I have been working out 3 to 4 times a week and drinking lots of water sooo come on scale..DROP.
Yeah, another downward turn of the scale...woot woot! I hope Melissa will pop in too, I bet she is down too from the 5dpt.
PSST...Melissa, if you are reading this you don't have to post your actual weight just how much you lost this week! We love you and don't want you to feel bad about any numbers, all that matters is that we are all in this together and are supporting each other right?!
Diana, you'll get that scale to drop. With your goo exercise habits and water you will be out of the 40's before you know it. You go girl!
Aw thanks Molly, you are too kind. I was pretty embarrassed but I did post my high weight and about my clothing size issues etc.. thanks for being so supportive even when the going gets tough! I am so glad I have my surgery sisters and brothers here to support me. I would be so lost without you. You are so vital in my postop life and I truly do feel you are my friends.. i mean that whole heartedly. thank you so much! *hugs*
YEAH DIANA! I feel you are gaining the control that I am also feeling right now.. its empowering.. Keep working that tool sweetie.. how awesome for us it is when we use it properly. My scale has been rewarding me and I am so happy also! Keep up the good work and see ya on tonight to see how your day 4 went? I think you are on day 4.. me day 3.. mmmm real food. Haha ;)