It's been 1 year since the Lap Band Surgery and recently I have experienced gas pains just...
Karen, I had Vertical Banded Gastroplasty in '99 and it functioned in the stomach much the way the lap band does but it was a much more invasive procedure. I had stomach pain for years and years with it which turned out to be ulcers. There were no good remedies that I can offer...I lived off gallons and gallons of Mylanta. unfortunately, the ulcers didn't get diagnosed for so many years because they were not the H-Pylori type and I didn't get an EGD test until I started seeing my current revision surgeon.
Is it possible for you to ask your PCP or lap band surgeon to do an EGD for you to get inside and take a look? Or maybe begin with a upper GI test to see if you have developed any erosion problems which could be causing stomach acids to leak out and cause pain. It sounds like you really need to get to your doctor, I hope you will get an appointment soon and let us know how it is going for you. Hang in there!
Most definitely! We'll always have weak areas from any abdominal surgeries and have to keep our ab muscles in tone because of it. I was doing great with my abs by doing a Pilates DVD regularly until I lost too much weight on my butt. Then it hurt too much and I quit. The abs have gone back to flab and now that I have my treadmill I think I may have given myself a hernia from overdoing it on the jogging. Weird thing, now when I jog my upper gut swells up for awhile. It aches but doesn't hurt as sharp as it did the first time I really overdid it. I sort of look like I'm 6 months pregnant sometimes. Ticks me off..vanity has taken firm hold of me.
One very good thing about hernias is that they sometimes are your 'free ticket' via insurance co. to getting a tummy tuck. A lot of times people get the tummy tuck done at the same time as getting the hernia repaired so while the insurance co. picks up the majority of the tab for that surg. you only have a minor amt. to pay for the tuck.
I'm definitely going to get mine looked at and hope that it'll work out for me. Good luck with yours and be sure not to overdo it to the point of making it a problem for yourself. Here's a link to a Medline article about hernias.