Hospital Stay
Thursday I was feeling crappy pretty much all day and then while out to dinner with the family I started having sever abdominal pain. When we got the kids and ourselves to the car I begged my husband to take me to the ER. When I got there they took me right back to the treatment room. They put the biggest possible IV needle in my arm, which I could not feel, and gave me some morphine, compazine and some other stuff I can't remember. They then took x-rays and said I had a small bowel blockage. They then admitted me and punt me on no food/water to try and get the kink out without doing surgery. Luckily, it was successful and after keeping down my lunch they released me. I have now been "cleaning" myself out and feeling much better.
All I have to say is I LOVE pain medicine. Thanks for listening.
That sounds so painful, I am sorry you went through all that, but on the bright side pain meds = good stuff!! I was given vicadin after surgery and that does absolutely nothing for me. I had percocet after having the two babies. Not only did it take the pain away but I was feelin pretty darn good!
I have a question for you though. What causes this and can it be avoided?
I am happy to hear you are feeling better. Take care of yourself! ~ Terisa
There were a couple theories they came up for the bloclagae. One I had been on an anitbiotic about 1 week ago, first time since surgery, because of strep throat. I also was slacking in getting my water down. I am usually at a gallon a day but since I wasn't feeling to sharp I had been getting closer to 45 oz a day. Secondly, they said I have some adhesions from prior abdominal surgeries (2 c-sections, galbladder and bypass) so that was a factor too. Last of all was a suggestions of Metamucial, so that is now a part of my daily balanced breakfast
I am also doing an every 10 -14 day "clean out" with my good friend MOM (milk of magensia)
The pain on Thursday was so bad I could not even cry. Even worse than being in labor! All I could do was writhe around in pain. And the worst part it ruined a perfectly great steak dinner from Outback.
The only part that had me really concerned was that my kids were with us. They are only 2 and 3, I hate having them see me in so much pain, I just don't want them to be scared. I think I am scarring my daughter for life. Every couple of days she'll come and tell me her tummy hurts too. And anytime I am feeling tummy/poopy/gas pains and say I don't feel to well, she'll say her tummy hirts too. Since she is only 2 I'm hoping it'll pass and she'll grow out of it. I did this to be around for my childen not screw up their psyche.

Oh Amy - ouch ouch ouch! I hope that you are feeling much better - so glad that you didnt ignore your pain or think it would go away and actually went to the hospital! And, no surgery - a huge plus!!!! Did the doctors give you any idea if there is anything you/we can do to prevent this in the future, did they make any other suggestions - like fiber pills daily or anything like that??
I had severe abdominal pain back in late Nov. and was diagnosed with a ruptured ovarian cyst and constipation.... it was so so so so painful! And it sounds like yours was much, much worse - I am so sorry!!!!!
There were a couple theories they came up for the bloclagae. One I had been on an anitbiotic about 1 week ago, first time since surgery, because of strep throat. I also was slacking in getting my water down. I am usually at a gallon a day but since I wasn't feeling to sharp I had been getting closer to 45 oz a day. Secondly, they said I have some adhesions from prior abdominal surgeries (2 c-sections, galbladder and bypass) so that was a factor too. Last of all was a suggestions of Metamucial, so that is now a part of my daily balanced breakfast I am also doing an every 10 -14 day "clean out" with my good friend MOM (milk of magensia)
The pain on Thursday was so bad I could not even cry. Even worse than being in labor! All I could do was writhe around in pain. And the worst part it ruined a perfectly great steak dinner from Outback.
The only part that had me really concerned was that my kids were with us. They are only 2 and 3, I hate having them see me in so much pain, I just don't want them to be scared. I think I am scarring my daughter for life. Every couple of days she'll come and tell me her tummy hurts too. And anytime I am feeling tummy/poopy/gas pains and say I don't feel to well, she'll say her tummy hirts too. Since she is only 2 I'm hoping it'll pass and she'll grow out of it. I did this to be around for my childen not screw up their psyche.