Hair Loss
Am I the only one on the Dec board who has or is still experiencing hair loss? The rest of you have such beautiful hair and do not look like you have lost any. I have always had long hair, but had to cut it to because so much was falling out. Now i was was wanting to grow it out again and realized that I still had very thin spots and even bald spots. I really cannot grow it out with those spots still. Too hard to hide. So as you can see I have a very short cut now. Has anyone else on here experienced hair loss and if so is it growing back yet? ~ Terisa
Terisa, I'm sorry this is still troubling you. Wish I could show some solidarity with you but my hair loss was from months 3-6 and was growing back pretty well by the 9th month. I'd say that now you can't even tell. My hair was always obscenely thick anyway so it was never noticeable to anybody but me and my hairdresser. Hope yours will stop falling out and get busy growing again. Are you able to eat more still? When I had read about you eating more awhile back I had hoped that problems like this would end for you.
Hi Molly - After my 3 child Beth was born I was pregnant again 8 weeks later. My hair was falling out like crazy and I had a few really bad bald spots. Those barely came back after taking prenatals and no longer being pregnant. He is 2.5 years old now and that still has not come back. Now after surgery I of course experienced it again. In addition to losing it a lot of it was breaking. so, what I did have was short. It is all mainly in the front on top. I think I am done losing it now, just was hoping that by now it would start growing back, but my hair never seems to recover after loss. Mine has always been very thin.
I do eat right now and no more problems with starvation or not eating enough. I get in about 1000 cal a day so I really do not think this is the problem. I am on bcomplex now instead of the biotion. Maybe I will take a biotion in addition to the bcomplex. You have beautiful think it! I am too jealous
~ Terisa