My first "real" day out since PS
So I went out for lunch with my grandfather, his wife, and my husband today. It was wonderful. The weather was gorgeous, it was actually above 0, and I felt good. After lunch my hubby and I decided to stop and pick up some groceries. That is where the fun began.
I swear to you all that I had a sign on my back that said "go ahead, hit me." I had all of these older women practically running me over, one trapped me in the jelly section and wouldn't let me out. My husband thought this was hilarious. Me...not so much..just because I was moving slow didn't mean they needed to run over will all still be there when I am done.
Anyway, then on our way home, we got hit my another vehicle. So his fault and guess comes this elderly man...probably in his 80's...yep..that's who hit us. Good thing I wore that sign today.
I just had to share this with you because I found it quite amusing myself!
All I can say is.. Oh my.. what an adventure and so sorry for the bad karma there.. glad you can laugh it though.
I had it last week.. chipped windshield which eventually cracked, my bad eating frenzy also as a side effect of a very stressful weekend at work.. AND.. well something else that happened that I am just to embarassed to share here even with u guys.. sorry can't go there and don't be begging me.. mums the word on that one. Basically it was the most humiliating thing a person can endure.. so yeah I feel ya!
Sorry girlie.. hang tough and get back out there!

Maghan! Are you ok??? Oh my gosh...I'm so sorry to hear about your misadventures but so glad that you still have a sense of humor about it. (Sarcasm is one of my favorite things in the world!) Hope that it was a low-speed your neck ok? Oh this is awful! I can't wait for winter to be over!!! We are getting around 7" of snow today and more on the way in the next few days. YUCK!