My babies are sick :(
I wanted to ask you guys to keep my 2 babies in your prayers. They have been so so sick with this terrible stomach virus and it has really hit them hard. They have been constantly vomiting for several days now, diarrhea, and very very lethargic. They could not even keep down an ounce of water for 5 minutes. No urination for a couple of days and no tears. They were admitted to the hospital for severe dehydration. They were so lethargic in the hospital they did not even flinch when the put the iv in.
The good thing is they were both experiencing this at the same time so they had each other in the hospital. I brought them home today. They are no longer dehydrated, but they still will not eat or drink anything and barely even move. They gave them some anti-nausea medication so that is helping with the vomiting, but they still are too sick to eat or drink. I am hoping that they start to get better before they become dehydrated again.
They took such good care of them in the hospital and they had so much attention. They had 3 nurses and 3 doctors assigned to them. They did not want to be separated from each other so the hospital kept them in the same bed. They were nicknamed the Siamese twins. No, they are not twins, they are 11 months apart, but they were cuddled so close to each other in the hospital they looked like siamese twins. Please pray that they start to recover. It breaks my heart to see them so sick. Thanks guys!!! I know I can always count on your for support or anything else. You are all such a wonderful group of people and I am so very thankful for all of you.
Take care...P.S. I know I have not been on much lately. I am still working on my masters and in the middle of a class right now. Because I am such an anal perfectionist I have to get A's in everything so I spend a lot of time studying. I just do not want you guys to feel I have forgotten or abandoned you.

Terisa...I was just thinking about you this afternoon!! I'm SO sorry to hear your babies are so ill.
EVERYONE in my house has come down with a cold/upper respiratory infection and it pains me to see MY babies sick...and they're now where near as sick as yours. I'm sending prayers for speedy recovery for them, and peace of mind for you. Please let me know if there's anything I can do.

Hi Terisa.. you poor thing.. I am sorry to read this. I am hoping they get better real soon. You are a great mother and with you by their side they will be recovered soon, you are way too on top of things for them not. As for your schoolwork, we totally understand. Hang in there sweetie.. we are here for you always, let me know if I can personally help in any way... at least lend an ear.. Love ya!
Thanks Melissa - I think they are getting there, just very slowly. I just wish they would drink a little something. All day yesterday they only had a half piece of toast each and altogether throughout the day one popsicle. Maybe today is better. Can't wait to get home to see how they have been doing today.
Terisa--I am so sorry to hear that your children are ill....please give thems hugs from me and my well wishes......i dont have any children - but i can imagine it must be a horrible experience especially when there is nothing that you can do. Be sure to take care of yourself---sounds like you have a LOT on your plate as well.....last thing anyone needs is for MOM to be sick too.
Take Care Dear--Dawn
PS this is the first time i have seen your new picture and it is Fabulous---