***JOIN US!!! Wednesday Weekly Weigh In!!!***1/23/2007
Hello and Happy Wednesday Weigh In all!
Seems many of us are trying to get "back on track" one way or another. I have been being a bit "nosey" and lurking on other surgery boards. Seems we are not alone. If you have the time, I encourage you to visit the November 2006 boards as well as the January 2007. I always look at their boards weekly.. to me they are our surgery sisters and brothers also because they had surgery very near to ourselves. It is encouraging to see that we are not alone in some of our struggles 1 year postop but at the same time it makes it *extremely* apparent that the journey becomes less and less about the tool and more about the mind.... we need to be using those good habits we learned and practiced during our initial months postop to keep being a success. There is a post on the November 2006 board about "Just this Once Won't Hurt". I encourage you to read it, take it in and really process what it says.. it has valuable information that I feel you will gain strength and power knowing and understanding its reasoning.
So my surgery sisters and brothers.. keep rockin that tool, come here for support and remain focused, determined and passionate about your tool. Remember we have a gift and that never leaves us. It will always be there like a best friend.. a soul mate.. to help us and aid us on our journies even with the going gets rough.. even if we steer off the beaten path. For me there is a huge sense of security in knowing that. I can always be tempted by food and may even give into it (against my better judgement at times) but the sun comes up the following day again and the tool is always in place... how lucky we are... right?
Ok so on with the stats all..
HW: 328
SW: 280
LW: 132.8
CW: 133.4
I gained up to 137 by Monday.. I am sure some was fluid.. but at least I am in better control. Still a couple lbs from my lowest weight of 131.6. Like Molly, I am striving for 130 now (especially after seeing this gain that can happen pretty easily, I feel I really learned my lesson!) I know I go from one extreme to the next, fear of losing too fast to fear of not losing enough.. at least now I see I can control the loss if I have to! A great thing to know! Part of me is secretly saying, get down to 128.. that would be 200 lbs down (shhhh).
So how did you guys do??? Please share your stats and thoughts with us on your journey....
To your health!

Hello everybody I am so very excited to post today I am finally losing again.It has bee a big worry for me. I hope this losing continues I am about 13 pounds from losing 100lbs . A goal i have been seeking for a while. Amyway Congrads to all you too this week here are my stats, Kelly
Sw 315
LW 336
CW 228