May I Whine?

on 1/14/08 1:19 pm - Northwood, IA
I hate whining.. but I have been having serious issues with hypoglycemia lately. I am noticing its worse as I am trying to add more good carbs to my diet to slow my loss down. If i get over 100 carbs a day, its a downhill battle I am finding and having low blood sugars are just evil. If you have never had them, I hope you never experience it. Let's just say I would rather dump then have low blood sugar. Ever since I have been putting more focus on adding weight training to my exercise regiment it has been worse. I have spoken to a doc where I work and this is how it was explained to me. 1 - Being I was diabetic preop, my pancreas was pumping out insulin left and right to counteract the higher blood glucose levels in my body. Well now that it doesn't have to do this anymore, it hasn't quite "caught on" yet. Even when I ingest good for me carbs, I find myself crashing these days. Apples = disaster for me. It's tough. 2 - Because I have less body fat, the fat is no longer covering all the "eyelet cells" that uptake or accept the insulin... therefore my cells are getting more insulin than ever before. 3- RNY for some unknown reason (even th day after surgery) allows for better glycemic control overall, they are unsure why this is. Is the pancreas hyperexcreting insulin or is the way the intestines are rerouted having any effect? They just don't know. All these things added together really can make for a very bad situation post op with blood sugars. I also read that cardio exercise and strength training are equally successful in bringing blood sugar levels down in diabetics.. now I am partaking in both and I think my body is just totally freaking out. I also probably created my own demon within me. I have been so carbophobic this whole journey.. b/c I was diabetic and b/c I knew the weight loss would be better for me that body just isn't used to this many carbs, even good ones. I detoxed myself off them 6 months prior to surgery so it really isn't sure what to do with it. I need the carbs to fuel my workouts now but so far I just cannot find the balance. In the end I end up eating WAY more calories than I should in a day b/c I continue to bottom and have to eat over and over to get it back up. Today ended up being a 2000 calorie day folks. It just isn't fair. I ate no junk whatsoever. Just way too many calories but had NO choice in the matter. My surgeon is aware of it and they say "you are a nurse" and eat the right things, it will work itself out eventually". Not much help for me.. I hope I do get it figured out soon or this journey isn't headed in the best of directions. Sorry to whine.. I am really frustrated with it and may just have to back down on the cals and exercise for a while and start from ground up adding a little at a time again. Sorry for the Debbie Downer..
Heather M.
on 1/14/08 5:19 pm - Modesto, CA
I feel ya, Melissa. I just had to have oatmeal earlier this week, and it was one of those times it did me in. Thankfully, it was on my weekend. But it knocked my arse out for 2 hours. I just couldn't stay awake, even with adding in some quick protein. I hope you get yours figured out. Mine is a hit and miss, so I just never know. I usually get a clue about 15-20 mins after eating, and alert those around me. Most the time I can fight it, but there are times when it's just come home and let the body crash.
on 1/15/08 4:37 am - Northwood, IA
I tell ya, I am sorry you go through it but I am glad I am not alone. I also cannot do oatmeal anymore.. it has gone on the "forbidden" list. I want to eat it so bad.. funny how things we can't have we want.. argh. Thanks for listening. PM me and let me know how you are doing.. long time no talk. *hugs*
on 1/14/08 9:47 pm - san antonio, TX
I am sorry that you are going thru this....but just like everything else on this journey- i know you will work thru this too. You have taught me that this whole journey is a process- now that you have added a new component to the equation you will have to work thru the kinks......dont let frustration get the best of you - believe me i know that is not productive--I think that your idea of backing down on the cals and exercise for a while and starting back slowly might be a good idea.....write it all down and you can by trial and error figure out what is best for you! Hugs my friend....dawn
on 1/15/08 8:44 am - Northwood, IA
Thanks Dawn.. I am having a good day today but of course the carb load is lower and no strength training today, gonna start back slow I spose. thanks for always being there! Hugs back atcha!
Beatriz A.
on 1/15/08 12:38 am - Sunny Miami, FL
yes, you must certainly are allowed to whine here. We love reading your posts because its a great learning place. Hope you can get the situation under control pretty soon. Bea
on 1/15/08 8:45 am - Northwood, IA
Thanks for understanding Bea.. I hate to be a whiner but sometimes it just feels good to vent it out. Thanks for listening to it. I will go eat some cheese now with it (the whine). ; )
Nancy H.
on 1/15/08 1:31 am - CA
Hi Melissa, The way you whine is sooo good for all of us. You give out so much good info that we all learn from. Since I am just starting to really work out, I will be aware of my highs and lows and watch what is happening in a way I wouldn't have before. I am sorry you have to go through this though. I feel your pain, but I know you are bright and careful and determined and I see only good results coming because of it. nancy
on 1/15/08 8:47 am - Northwood, IA
Thanks Nancy.. I appreciate your understanding. Yes, do make sure you keep track of your blood sugars. Do eat a snack at least before and possibly after depending on how hard you work out. Thanks for the upliftment and saying it will "be ok". I appreciate it and will keep trucking forward. Hugs!
on 1/15/08 8:37 am - Spokane, WA
Aw, sorry to hear you are having these issues! Have you talked any of this over with a dietician yet? I hope you will be able to get a little help along the way as you are working out this balancing act. You are very concerned about carbs but do you need to be as concerned about proteins too? And what about fats...would higher fat consumption help any? Issues like this make me wish I had a better education, there is just so much to learn about this whole process and how our bodies are affected by it! You come here and whine any time you need to...we are all here to help each other and to offer a shoulder to cry or whine upon anytime. Hugs! Molly
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