What did ya eat and how did ya move today? Saturday
Hi there and Happy Weekend to you all! How do you plan to stay on track this weekend? Get a game plan for those of you who are struggling, take time to preplan and be accountable for yourself!
I am not exercising today since I will be up all night. I take sat and sun off usually. I am planning to hit the gym for some weight training though first thing Monday morning after I get off work. It has to be done!
Prebreakfast snack: 1 lowfat mozz cheesestick with 6 very small all bran crackers. Woke up early with stomach feeling like it needed something! Back to sleep..
B: Cinnamon Apple Cottage Cheese Pancakes with SF maple syrup and 1 soy sausage (delish!) I posted how I made them in a previous post.
L: 2 Pumpkin Protein Pies with whip and frosting (think I will ever get sick of these.. nah)
S: EAS Shake on the way to work.
D#1: 4 oz baked chicken breast with some sort of veggie on the side.
D#2: 1 cup homeade chili with 2 crackers (the only time I eat white carbs is with chili.. and just 2!)
Cals: 997 (way too low sigh), fat 29, carbs 76, fiber 16, protein 119.
Saturdays are always tough for me as I am switching from a day person to a night person. Tomorrow will be better.
How did you do today?
Hi...by now you are at work and hopefully it is going well. No extra exercise for me today except up and down the stairs again after my 4 hours at work. Had a lot more ladder work today at work, we are prepping for inventory and I was up and down shelves all shift. Nice to do something different. I'll be doing the same thing tomorrow, it will be interesting to see if I have any new muscles sore tomorrow from moving differently today.
It's been a bad eating day but not food-wise...pouch-wise. The chicken korma I ate at lunch must have been too spicy and burned my ulcer then later in the day I ate what should have been a totally safe snack and dumped. Just another reminder of why I love my bypass and how grateful I am to have this wonderful, wonderful tool in place for the rest of my life.
Loaded up my station wagon full of huge boxes of clothes and took them to the women's shelter. Boy, did that feel WONDERFUL! Not only did it free up a lot of room for me, having the mental burden of those clothes hanging around is gone now and I have a warm spot in my heart from thinking that maybe my clothes are helping someone who is going through some tough times. I had everything cleaned and pressed and looking very sharp so hopefully it will be fun for them to go through the clothes. The biggest size range I've hung onto is the 10-12's. Part insurance in case of bounce-back and part motivator in case of bounce back. Fear factor....
Sorry to be so wordy, here's my eats so far:
--sf, decaf chai
1) homemade protein bar
2) chicken korma frozen dinner with only 1 T rice
3) 1/2 cup nsa ice cream
4) 1 light mozz. stick, 2 oz. whole grain crisps...DUMP
calories: 863
carbs: 78
fats: 36
protein: 57
Honestly don't know what to eat for dinner, I'm so afraid to eat anything now. I had made stuffed peppers for tonight with barley instead of rice but maybe that would be too much on pouchie. Maybe just an EAS and we'll see how it goes from there...