Watchya eating and are you moving??
Maybe a little early, but here goes:
1. EAS Carb Control Chocolate fudge
2. Tuna salad w/crackers
3. ½ cup romaine w/ 5 slices turkey and ½ oz reduced fat Mexican cheese and salad spritzer
½ cup strawberries
WW pita
4. Atkins Advantage Caramel
5. Having 3oz rotisserie pork
small salad w/ ½ oz reduced fat Mexican cheese and salad spritzer
6. Snack after the gym...turkey/pickle rollups
I also had a coffee with cream this morning so the totals are:
Calories 1023 Carbs 90 Fat 30 Protein 101
I will also be doing treadmill, bike and arm weights at the gym tonight.
ANybody else care to share today?
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/08 9:35 am
on 1/9/08 9:35 am
Hi, All! Labs are rescheduled for tomorrow, as 1 test requires "fasting".
B: 1.25 oz chicken, 10 soy crisps, cantaloupe, 1/2 oz 2% cheddar
L: 1/2 Atkins bar, 1/3 c. yams, 1/2 artichoke, 1 mini popcorn, 1/2 oz 2% cheddar
D: 3 oz meatloaf with gravy, 1/2 oz corn, 1 oz mashed potatoes, 1 oz 2% cheddar, 3.5 pumpernickel pretzels
S: 2 oz Chicken, 3.5 pumpernickel pretzels, a few blueberries
Calories: 989 Fat: 34 Carbs: 105 Protein: 67
I have 2 days "clean" and today was a "5" out of 10.

Hi Amy! I have worked very hard at my eating today. The gain was a good wake-up call and hopefully will shake me out of not fighting off the pms urges. I only worked four hours today so it wasn't very much exercise, made up for it by taking apart the Christmas tree today and making a LOT of trips up and down the stairs.
Here's eats for so far:
--nf, sf soy latte
1) diet yogurt (danon?) and one carrot cake muffin chopped up in it
2) 1 applesauce oatmeal protein muffin
3) huge lunch...veggie and eggbeaters saute wrapped in a soy tortilla. Can't believe I ate the whole thing!!! (2 serv. eggbeaters, 1/2 sm. zucchini, 1/4th red pepper, 2 T red onion...yum!)
4) 1 cup baby spinach, 1/4 cup ham, 1 cup sliced strawberries, 4 mushrooms, 1 T raspberry vinaigrette salad dressing
calories: 692
carbs: 78
fats: 16
protein: 60
I've been drinking a lot of tea today and really not hungry. Will try to get in more protein tonight so I won't be hungry tomorrow.
B: 2 crustless mini egg beater quiches with 1/2 WASA cracker
S: SB cinnamon raisin protein bar (140 cal)
L: blackened chicken salad - 3 oz chicken, 2 cups lettuce, some diced tomatoes and sprinkle of cheese with FF dressing.
S: Atkins cinnamon bun protein bar (140 cal)
D: Blue Bunny No Sugar Added Yogurt with 1/4 cup Bare Naked Granola with 3 large strawberries.
S: EAS Shake
Cals: 1258 (not enough so I may add some fudgesickles or something later)
Fat: 49
Carbs: 101
Protein: 108
Exercise - I ran 3 miles - 2 on the treadmill doing some sprints and then 1 on the track and 45 mins of circuit training and some dumbells/ab work.
i know Melissa.....I am DESPERATE though.....I still weigh 191 lbs - the nutritionist said to keep to the 800 so if this doesnt break the stall --we will have to go to plan "b" BUT i will tell you that over the holiday when i was eating "free for all" i lost 2lbs. I thought about what you had said about too little food......but i am committed to 1 month exactly of 800 calories and we will see... i want to be honest and true to this so that i can say to her this doesnt work.....
I know that --and you are my litmus for everything that I know about nutrition, calories etc. I know how and why Melissa Foster is successful.....i have watched you every step of the way (at least since July) --so what the NUT is saying doesnt make sense to me. You are in the wrong business you know WAY more than these Cuckoo nuts. I am at a crossroads and i dont know what to do AAAAAAARGH..........but i know that i need to choose 1 path and stick to it strictly for 1 month so that i can rule it out or in as good or bad. Thank You for all you do,say,listen to,etc......
OH girl.. I am FAR from an expert.. I hope I don't act like I am one.. you have seen my pitfalls and downfalls! Are ya kiddin!
But I will say that I went back to my journal from when I weighed 191 lbs.. to see what I was eating. I was getting in 90-100 proteins, 40ish carbs, and 30's for fats. I was eating about 800-900 cals a day. So maybe you really aren't that high after all.. seeeee i do make mistakes and I will keep my lips buttoned and you should listen to your nut and yes follow their advice to a letter so u can say.."I did this." I was also running 2 miles a few times a week at this point as far as activity is concerned.