What did you eat and how did you move- Thursday
Hi everybody! I know it is late but Melissa was going to be working today so I thought I'd get this posted in hopes that some of you will post, too. My workout today was an 8-hr truck day at work with a lot of lifting, running around, etc. Typical stuff for me. It was harder than usual since I am battling this cold and feel like I had a sinus infection brewing today. (great) Oh well, lots of liquids!!! Here's eats...most of which were pre-planned which I hardly ever do and really should do more often.
--sf, decaf chai
1) 2% fage yogurt, 1/2 cup kashi go lean
2) 1 cup homemade chicken vegetable soup, 1 GNC protein bar
3) 1 homemade whole wheat pumpkin oat muffin
4) 2 oz. soy crisps
5) 1 turkey/cheese/soy tortilla rollup, 1/2 cup ham cubes
6) EAS cafe caramel
calories: 1239
carbs: 101
fats: 26
protein: 105
Numbers are pretty high already and I'm still feeling 'munchie'...not really hungry I think but I sure WANT to eat more. Will try to just keep drinking hot tea and see how it goes. How did you all do today?
We got in new treadmills at work today, I can't wait to take a look at them tomorrow! Anybody know anything about them to pass along before I make a decision on one?
Hi Molly,
I ended up not having to work (got called off as they didn't need me!) so I went to the gym instead and returned some clothes from Christmas that were.. too big! I got some cute stuff in exchange... even some uhm size 3 capris! Ok they are little snug but uh.. wow! I ran 5 miles and did 30 mins of strength training today.. tried really hard to up my cals but I won't get as high s I had hoped.
B: double portion of egg white substitute, 2 oz ham
S: Apple
L: 2 Pumpkin muffins with whip and 'frosting'
S: SB cinnamon raisin high protein cereal bar
D: 6 inch subway turkey sandwhich toasted - threw off one of the breads. Had cheese, meat and lots of veggies with spicy mustard.. yum
S: yogurt, powercrunch bar
S: EAS shake
I feel like I am eating ALL OF THE TIME! I do not want to go below 130.. so this is what I must do if I am gonna keep working out and build muscle with weight training.. argh I never thought I would be in this place.. amazing isn't it?
Cals 1350, fats 51, carbs 110, protein 120
I know the numbers seem high but when you up the cals, that is what happens! I am still low.. I should be 1500 or higher I imagine.. I will get there eventually.
As for the treadmill.. because you are wittle, horesepower does matter some but not as much since you don't weigh that much.. will husband be using it or anyone heavier? If not.. id say shoot for the middle.. go for 700ish dollar one with decent horsepower and wide enough belt so u are comfortable. I have a proform not sure of the model number.. its "ok" but we spent 450-500 on it (on sale).. id spend a bit more personally.. prob doesn't help u much but I seem to think most that are around 700 bucks seem like good pieces of equipment to last a long time, not sure how long mine will hold out, but it gets a lot of use

Thank you for the treadmill help. I have the model numbers from two of the ones we got in yesterday so I'll go to the Proform site to see what they are like. (still in boxes in the warehouse...no info!) One was $399 and the other was around $600. I doubt DH will ever use the treadmill, maybe my daughter if she ever moves home. And maybe, just maybe my son will use it and he prob. weighs around 230. (he won't tell)
Yesterday I felt like a bottomless pit and today I'm not really very hungry...yeah! Weird how this goes. I can't imagine worrying about not getting in extra calories as you are having to do...it is all I can do to reign myself in most days!
Congrats on the size THREE capri's. That is so cool!! Will it be warm enough to wear them on the cruise? If so, definitely wear them and take plenty of pictures.
It is raining today and I think it would be a good day to make that carrot cake recipe. The house will smell yummy!
Hi Molly..
Good luck on finding a treadmill that you love.. I am sure you will find it.
I know how its weird with our pouches, the days I can't feel the fullness as much totally freaks me out.. but it always goes away. Seems to be with hormonal fluctuations but who knows.
Well as far as calories go.. I again feel you should be getting in minimally 1200 if not more to maintain honestly.. unless u are wanting to lose more. I was eating 1200 and still losing.. everyone is different though. Maybe if you get your BMR tested you would know for sure. I know with strength training I have to eat more to build any muscle at all but with more muscle = more calories burned. I am at a point where I really wanna maintain but at the same time I wanna add more exercise so its a weird spot to be in and will take some finagaling for sure. I will prob go up and down till I get it figured out.
The size 3 capries "fit" but aren't as loose as they could be, it was the only size they had of dressy black capris, so I bought them, maybe I will lose some inches before the cruise. Part of me says lose to 128 so I can say I am down 200 lbs but I know that is wrong in my head.. I am where I need to be and where I feel totally comfortable. Any more and I would look really boney esp when you consider plastic surgery.. I don't like the "curveless" look and I am getting there now..