34/30 JEANS!!!
This is a very HAPPY NEW YEAR for me... I bought clothes today for a business trip this weekend. Decided to get a couple of pairs of jeans.
Tried on some 38s because that's where I thought I was... TOO BIG...
Tried 36s... TOO BIG...
Settled on 34s and they were just right!!! H0LY ****
OK, this is big for me but will probably not be a big deal for anyone else. I'm now in size 34 jeans. I don't EVER remember being in 34s. I remember being in 36 and up, but I don't even remember being in them EVER. Now, I've worn jeans since I was a kid, so I know I was in them at one point in time or another. But I don't have any memory of having bought jeans at this size. So... it's a big deal for me.
And now for some frame of reference. I was just bordering on buying size SIXTY slacks when I had surgery. So I've gone from 60/30 (twice as big around as long) to 34/30... GEEEEEZ...

Verry chilly! When I go to work in a few hours it will be 20 degrees and then warm up to a balmy high of 33 with snowshowers tomorrow. Now that the winter solstice has come and gone each day brings us one day closer to spring!
How is your weather there in Virginia? Hope that you are keeping warm now that you don't have all that extra insulation hanging around.
Compared to your locale, it seems like we're experiencing a heat wave. I actually considered taking my walk outside instead of on the treadmill today... it was in the mid 50s here. And you're right about the insulation... I certainly do get chilled more easily this year. Sure wish that I had a cuddle partner to keep me warm...