Tuesday Weekly Weigh-In 1/1/08
HAPPY NEW YEAR DECEMBER BABIES!!!! Not only is a new physical year but its a new year for us as well going into our second year postop... how wild is that? Amazing how far we have changed not only physically but mentally as well. We are stronger and more confident and enjoying life in ways we never knew we could. I am proud to be a December 2006 baby as this group of people is what I believe being in support group is all about. We have really shown each other how to embrace, support, love and share compassion over the past year and for that I am very proud to be a member of the December 2006 surgery board! Thank you for all you do to make this board what it is! I love it here and really feel I get the support *I* need and I know the rest of you probably feel the same way.
A couple questions for you as we head into the new year..
1) Do you like the daily eat/how did ya move threads?
-I have had a couple people say they would like me to continue doing this. I don't mind and feel it only helps us to be accountable to ourselves if we choose to participate. I know that I try to do this post when I can but being busy sometimes its hard so I for help with it for the days I am 'absent' if we do decide we want to continue this thread. Molly does a good job helping me when she can but she is also very busy as we all are so lets make it a group effort!
2) Weekly Weigh-Ins - do you like that we do this? Would you like to change the day of the week? If so, what day do you vote for?
-I personally like the weigh-ins and would like to continue to do this also. I honestly don't care what day of the week as long as it isn't Monday because I work Sunday nights and have been eating and drinking all night so I really can't participate and be accurate on that day.. so do give me your thoughts on this.
3) If you haven't shared your resolutions/goals for 2008 and would like to we are all ears! Do you feel it is "bad luck" to set goals?
-I actually do set goals for myself each year and surprisingly many times do stick with it. When I was preop I gave up regular soda for diet and then the year before my surgery I gave up bread. I haven't touched a slice of real "sandwhich" bread since. I have whole grain pitas, english muffins (haven't yet but bought some), tortillas but for some reason "bread" is so taboo to me.. it so got me into trouble preop that I just don't go for it anymore. More in my head than anything I am sure.. lol.
-This year I plan to keep my health and keep my labs good, take my vitamins, continue exercising and really getting some weight training down and figure out how to properly maintain my weight in a healthy way. I also want to keep "paying it forward" to those that are researching WLS and to those that are less than 1 year out. I feel it is good for us to "adopt" people and be their angel etc.. it keeps us on track and its good for the soul/spirit.
Ok on with the weigh-ins!
HW: 328
SW: 280
LW: 134.2
CW: 131.6
I am still losing a chunk each month it appears. I am up to 1200-1400 calories a day. So gotta find that sweet spot.
How did you do? Please share!!! Happy NEW YEAR!!!! Best wishes for health and happiness to you and yours for 2008!! (((HUGS))) Love you guys! ~Melissa
Hi Melissa, I like the weekly weigh ins, I like to look at the daily food posts but just don't have the time(I used to post on my lunch hour, but now I got to the gym, the only time for myself)
My resolution for this year is to find a new job and hopefully get my plastics done.
HW: 280
SW: 276
LW: 168-170
CW: 165
Starting my lifting regimine tommorrow after 1 1 /2 weeks off from xmas and being sick, really miss it....oh and I put one more picture (a hottie pic) of me and my daughter going to the xmas party!!
Hi Melissa...Happy New Year!! I had a few minutes today, so I thought I'd check in again. What great questions you have!
I think the accountability posts are great...ALL of them. The food/move/weight...I think it helps give those of us struggling an idea on what we can do better...even IF we're not posting our own. *shifty eyes*
I think it's awesome to set goals, but I think "new years resolutions" aren't a great idea. I think we should make it a point to set goals throughout the year. My list is more of a "what I'd like to accomplish this year"...if I succeed, great, if not, then I tried, and will continue to try until I meet that goal.
My list for this year is:
1- Finish losing the remainder of my weight after the baby is born
2- Get back to post op eating habits...funny how it HAS to change while pregnant so that you DON'T lose. I see now why they recommend waiting to get pregnant.
3- I'm enrolled in 2 classes online which start 01/07 and run until 05/01. I'm hoping to be able to finish these classes and not have to drop them like my last semester. Scoring an A in the class would be nice, but right now, I'm hoping to just at least pass.
4- Continue with my therapy so that I can be mentally healthy as well as physically.
5- Make a new friend. This one will be my most difficult. Because of past hurts, I'm a very closed off and not trusting person. It's very difficult for me to *really* enjoy a friendship because of how badly I've been burned. I'm hoping I'll progress enough in therapy to take the chance to not only get a new friend, but to BE a good friend again.
Now for the weight. *blah* Honestly, I used to be a serial weigher (every time I went to the bathroom) and now I might not even check once a week. Because I know the scale is now going up...I try to avoid it because of the feelings it brings. However, I had a prenatal visit 2 days after Christmas, so I'm aware of my last week's weight and I did weigh myself this morning...so I'll chime in this week. LOL!!
HW: 265
SW: 240
LW: 186.5
CW: 184.5
It's expected that I gain 4-5 lbs a month from here until delivery. I'm trying to accept that and not freak out. With my previous pregnancies, I'd already gained 20+ lbs at this point, so I try to keep that in perspective. I also know I carry more water than most, so I'll keep that in mind as well.
Hi Melissa and Happy New Year to ALL
I did not get on the scale this morning as I went to bed around 2:30/3 and had to be up by 8:00 so honestly it was the last thing I thought of. We had a New Years Eve party here and I have to say it was the first time I have had more then a Sip or small drink in more then a year..My new one is Pineapple juice with Bananna Rum in it and I have to say they were quite GOOD!! I did stay away from most of the food and the food choices I made I was PROUD of myself. I sent the whole plate of chex mix and left over cookies home with people. The cheese ball went into the trash, open bags of chips went home with people. I did keep leftover wings and veggies and some cheeses. The nacho dip and BBQed hot dogs are in the freezer, I am SO OVER the holiday foods it is not funny. We leave in the morning for Salt Lake and I have all the other cookies I made bagged up to give to my inlaws as I do not want to come home to anything
Any day is fine with me for the weigh ins and this is the year I will get to my goal. I am sooo tired of STILL being the "FAT" girl in this group. I am going to start making better choices and excersing more.
I hope everyone has a great NY and see you all back on line next week.

((((hugs)))) from the OTHER "fat" girl in this group.
We'll get there Diana...it just takes us longer. One thing I try to keep in mind is that pre WLS, my metabolism was non-existent. Literally. Gastroparisis apparently was a large factor in my obesity in the first place. While WLS did help my cause, it didn't cure the gastro stuff, and as usually, I have to work harder at it. I'm ok with that now. (I wasn't before...LOL.)
We'll do it and this WILL be the year.

Hi! Happy New Year!!!
This is the first chance I've had to say that since going to bed early last night. DH and I are just not NYE party folks so it wasn't any big deal here.
I think, if I remember correctly, that I weighed 132 last week so that means no gain or loss for me this week going into 2008. So here are the stats:
HW: 268
SW: 230
LW: 132
My resolution is to learn to like (or love) jogging. No exercise for me for a few more days, my headcold has turned into bronchitis (feels like) so I'm giving the lungs a rest.
Going to try to amp-up my visual cues and work on a paper-crafting project that has been bothering me for awhile. I have a small artist's sketchbook which I'll use as a flip album and have been collecting t-shirt slogans for it. Printed some of them out with good fonts, etc, on cardstock yesterday and will start gluing them onto the pages so that it makes an album of helps for me. I'll post it in the kitchen and see how it goes.
One of my new favorites is 'Skinny Girls Don't...' that I invented for myself as a reminder against grazing. Maybe they really do but in my mind, skinny girls probably don't want to dip into the cereal box or have a spoonful of cottage cheese, etc. They only eat at mealtimes and only when they are hungry not bored, happy, sad, etc. Think it will work? I'll let you know.
Still no sandwich breads for me either, Melissa. The closest I come is my black rye bread which is about 1/8th inch thick slices of small bread that is just like we used to have in Germany. It makes something that mimics a sandwich but isn't regular wheat. For all my other bread-y needs I just use rice cakes, crackers, soy tortillas and things like that. So far, so good.
Thank you for keeping up these posts, Melissa and for everybody here who is able to participate whenever possible. I appreciate everybody's support and love and consider you all a very valued extended family. HUGS!

Happy new year guys!!!!
Yea I do like the weekly weigh in (well sometimes) he-he depends on me.
As far as the eats I know I don't always post on that but it is mostly because I don't want to see the damage. Ugggg but I do need to know exactly what I am doing on a daily basis.
Ok I don't like to make new years resolutions because I never seem to stick with them. But I do want to just continue to do the very best that I can with my exercising and eating better and hopefully I will loose the rest of my 27 lbs. To goal.
Hw: 340
sw: 330
lw: 200
cw: 197
have a happy and blessed new year
love to all
mini me
What do you think about a Wed. weigh in? I'm afraid that if we do it on Friday then I will develop weekend-slacking. You know the old 'well, the weigh in's past so I can ease off the plan for the next few days...'. Back in my WW days my group met on Monday evenings so it made for good behaviour over the weekend. I understand completely about your Monday schedule though...that is how it is for me for a Tuesday weigh-in too. I've worked hard but eaten so much and usually have some water weight hanging on by Tuesday morning.
Just an idea....