Update on gallbladder...

on 12/14/07 9:07 am - Northwood, IA
My PCP isn't worried about my elevated total bilirubin even though the PA at my surgeon's office is. I guess my PCP has a lot of experience with gall bladder/liver stuff (he was going to be a doctor that specialized in liver/gall bladder/etc problems at one point but shifted his focus to family practice instead) and so he says that just an elevated total bilirubin isn't enough for him to be concerned that any "achiness" i have had is prob gas b/c if it was my gall bladder I would KNOW it.. it would be sharp and naseated and the whole shabang.. he says many people have stones or sludge and live with them all their lives as long as they are not having symptoms. So he is gonna order an ultrasound b/c that is what my surgeon wants but he says even if it shows stones or sludge he isn't for me having surgery just yet.. he thinks I should wait till I am symptomatic which may never happen soooo I am starting to side with him on this one. Makes sense to me. He thinks they may just want me to have another surgery b/c I can and also b/c in bariactric medicine they have to cover their bases well and worry about malpractice a lot so they try to be ultra aggresssive with these sorts of things (so he says)... hmmmm So I go Monday after work for the ultrasound to see whats going on.. but again nothing my PCP is gonna get hyper about no matter the finding. I am glad of this.. I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for being there gang! Hugs!
Heather M.
on 12/15/07 4:25 am - Modesto, CA
Yup, don't let them take that puppy until it starts giving you some issues. Because with it gone, you DEFINITELY will have issues. But you know that
on 12/16/07 2:35 pm - Northwood, IA
Argh.. yes I have heard that.. thanks for the info girlie.
on 12/15/07 5:01 am - Spokane, WA
Yay! Glad that it isn't a big worry. You might as well keep the gallbladder as long as it doesn't cause you any trouble. I'm so very lucky not to have had any problems from having mine removed. Guess I just haven't been a bad-enough eater over the past few years without it to have suffered from it. ?? Whatever the cause, I'm glad! Molly
on 12/16/07 2:36 pm - Northwood, IA
Yes that is good Molly.. so far knock on wood not really having any problems other than some gas.. which could be b/c of bypass or could be partly GB related but until I have some sharp pain in that area I feel its not something to get too excited about again I will have to wait and see what the surgeon says when I give them the report. Fingers crossed.
on 12/15/07 9:53 am - IA
Hey your going to have to read my profile.... I am recovering from surgery I had on Nov. 14th.... I had a gallstone stuck in my bile duct.... Granted I had my gallbaldder taken out i***** Weird huh? It came on very sudden... On a friday, put in hospital on Monday and then had surgery that wednesday. Very sharp pains and I thought I was dying, I was in the hospital for a week and Off till after the frist of the year. JOY! Just dont let it get to bad.... My gallstone was ready to burst my bile duct. Good Luck!!! Stacey
on 12/16/07 2:38 pm - Northwood, IA
Thanks Stacey, I will keep this in mind.. I asked my doc about that.. "what if it goes into the duct and I end up with pancreatitis" His reply... you will be sick and in a lot of pain and then you get it out (my PCP). So lets just hope I don't have issues with it (just labs elevated some) I will have my ultrasound this morning after I get off work (work the night shift). Fingers crossed.. glad you are feeling better and thanks again.
on 12/15/07 12:30 pm - King George, VA
RNY on 12/13/06 with
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it isn't gall bladder, but if it is, get them to yank that sucker as quickly as you can. I had the same problem and got it pulled at 1130am on a Tuesday and I was in a business meeting at 1pm on the following Thursday. NO BIGGIE! Good luck, sweetie, Hit and Run Steve
on 12/16/07 2:40 pm - Northwood, IA
Thanks Steve. I go for the ultrasound this morning after work, fingers crossed I don't have to have surgery, not wanting to but I agree it should be done quickly if so and would be a quick recovery I am sure. Glad to hear yours went so well! Thanks so much!
on 12/18/07 9:04 am - King George, VA
RNY on 12/13/06 with
How did the ultrasound go? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!
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