OT...Scared for my baby
Terisa, thank you for the prayers. I'm trying hard to get the image of the recovered handgun and bullets out of my head. It is something that just doesn't reconcile with the many, many memories I have of all these guys hanging out and acting like goofy little boys still even though they are all getting taller and even growing facial hair.
I really think Angela was right that this was a cry for help from this fella and pray that he'll get good counselling from here on out. Here he is just in the beginning of his teen years and already having this kind of serious trouble. Poor kid.
It is so reassuring to know that Emily is doing well still and has been able to heal from the violence committed against her. I know it is something that will have long-term effects on her and make her what she will ultimately grow and mature into. You have loved, helped, supported and sacrificed for her and are such an inspiration to me.
Oh Molly, I would be very scared too. I have an 11 yr old soon who just started middle school and everyday I pray for him. It's a difficult time in their lives, hopefully with lotsof love and understanding your son will come thru this with flying colors.
Stay close to him, show him you care, protect him as much as you can.
Thank you, Beatriz. They discussed it in several classes in school today and hopefully it helped all the kids deal with their feelings. I've tried to keep things as normal and 'even' at home for him as usual so he feels safe and comfortable here and he will come to discuss it with me in bits and pieces when he feels like it. You know how most boys are about not enjoying discussions. Mine is no different so I just have to be patient, open and ready to listen when he feels like talking.
GLAD u vented! It is a violent world we inhabit these days, but even more frightening when it's YOUR community.
Hopefully, the kids will utilize the grief counselors available to them through the school. It's a sad day when something like this passes on by as "uneventful."
Take care of you and your baby!
Thinking of you,
Megan, thank you so much. I appreciate that you let me vent. A year ago my first thoughts would be of baking some homey-tasting treats and sharing them with my son all the while stuffing my face to comfort myself. It is much healthier to just get my own feelings out and face them instead of stuffing them down with food. I'm so relieved to have heard today that the teachers were leading discussions in all the classes for the kids who wanted to talk about this today. Kids need to be able to discsuss this with their peers and also have an adult to lead the discussion in the right direction. With time it will all blow over and I hope they all learn valuable lessons from this.
(deactivated member)
on 12/15/07 11:18 am
on 12/15/07 11:18 am
Hi, Molly... Any news? Hope that Sam is still accepted within the school community.
This must be so hard for you. Has the other family made any comments or had any involvement with the courts or is everything being handled through the school?
What about the intended victim and his family????
Just wondering... Is this a case where the intended victim was a "Bully"?
I can't even imagine what has been going on.
Sam is having a little trouble with some of the other kids, I think they are divided into a group who thinks he was one of the kids who told authorities about the gun and the other group thinks he sided with the kid who had the gun. He's just in the middle between both parties and tried to be friends with them all...a tough stand.
We haven't heard anything about the boy who brought the gun. On the news they claimed he was going to defend himself against the boy he insists had a knife (who did not, actually). That boy's family removed him from school and sent him to Montana to live with his mom for a time. How long, I don't know. For the sake of his safety, I'm glad he's gone for now but it seems unfair that he has to be pulled away from his other friends. He definitely wasn't a bully in this case...the kid who brought the gun has a well-proven track record of that in this little circle of boys.
What a shame this had to happen at all, let alone right before Christmas. Thank you for your concerns, we are hoping it will all work out ok. Hugs!
(deactivated member)
on 12/16/07 9:15 am
on 12/16/07 9:15 am
What kind of trouble is Sam having... punches, comments, threats?
He may have to cut ties with the troubled kid just to calm things down.
Probably a good thing that the other kid is in Montana...
Does Sam have a cell phone that he can dial a 911 alert to you? Perhaps he can come up with a code for his various locations so you can call the authorities should gang mentality take over. I sure hope that it never comes to this. Just trying to help.

Dear Molly,
I know I am late in responding - I don't get to check email like I used to.
I'm sitting in my office with MY 14 yr old (he played hooky today with me - long story) and I got chills reading your post.
I don't think I could add anything more to what the girls have said - but I wanted you to know I can relate and am thinking of you.
God Bless,